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The best line of attack for Democrats against Trump

The way to hand Donald Trump a defeat

There are so many areas where Donald Trump and the Republicans are failing, breaking the law, possibly committing treason, or just plain crazy. These include, for example, kowtowing to Russia and ditching our friend Ukraine, voicing plans to take over Greenland for its minerals, pardoning the January 6 terrorists, trying to take over the independent U.S. Postal Service, and much more.

However, following some of these areas closely can require specialized knowledge of various fields, such as international relations or federal government operations. But there is one area of Trump failure that is so simple, anyone can understand it. Moreover, this one area affects all of us:

Don’t be shocked or awed by the next four years

How not to feel

During Donald Trump‘s last White House term, many people woke up each day to some new outrage (e.g., the “family separation policy” that threw kids in cages), and lived in a state of perpetual shock. This time around, not surprisingly, Trump began his first few days in the White House with a number of orders and actions that are similarly hurtful to America. These include, for example:

–Illegally redefining the Constitution’s definition of birthright citizenship to try to declare many natural-born Americans non-citizens;

Ordering thousands of military troops to the Southern border;

Falsely classifying many career U.S. government employees as “political” hires, making them easier to fire, and possibly replace with Republican party apparatchiks;

–Withdrawing the United States from the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Agreement;

–Eliminating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs and positions in the federal government;

–Granting pardons and commutations to hundreds of people convicted or prosecuted in the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol; and much more.

We know there will be many more such hurtful actions and attempts over the next four years. But we can also decide not to live in a state of shock and awe this time around. One man in the White House, for example, should not change the way we love our friends and family. Nor should it change our vision of what we want for ourselves, our loved ones, and our country.

We can also continue to work toward our goals over the next four years. We can regroup and get ourselves on a more positive, effective political path going forward. That might include, for example, less time focusing on Trump, even when it is to criticize and mock him, since that was not successful in the 2024 elections, and more time concentrating on what we want, and how to get there. And perhaps most importantly, we can regularly pull the plug on increasingly biased “news” reports about what is happening in the White House. Let’s make the next four years about us, not him.

Photo by Alan Levine, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/zWVcp0


Trump vs. Biden

President Joe Biden

After Super Tuesday‘s results this week in both the Republican and Democratic presidential primaries, it is clear that Donald Trump and Joe Biden will have a 2024 rematch of their 2020 presidential election. Trump and Biden each won almost all of their Super Tuesday contests, with Trump losing only Vermont to Nikki Haley and Biden losing just American Samoa to someone named Jason Palmer. In the delegate count, Trump and Biden again are very well on their way to securing their respective party’s presidential nominations, with Trump thus far gaining 1,004 of the necessary 1,215 Republican delegates, and Biden getting 1,516 out of the required 1,968 delegates on the Democratic side. Haley has announced that she is abandoning her presidential campaign, but she refused to endorse Trump at this time.

Accordingly, as the nomination process now shifts to an early general election campaign between Trump and Biden, a key question is going to be: what is the 2024 presidential election about? The answer to that question may well determine who becomes our next president. For example, Trump and the Republicans will likely keep talking about trans bathroom use, and caravans of “migrants” (an apparent change from “immigrants” or “illegals”), because they either have the wrong policies or no policies at all on truly important issues such as the economy, climate change, healthcare, gun violence, etc. President Biden and the Democrats, in addition to running on their strong record of economic recovery and growth, have made “freedom” a centerpiece of their 2024 campaign thus far, which includes freedom from Republican government intrusion into women’s health decisions (i.e., abortion), freedom to vote, preserving our democracy and elections against Republican dictatorship, etc.

Republicans in disarray, off to a rocky start

Republicans may have to hit this button

Republicans took over a narrow majority in the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday, but it was a very rough day for them. First, in a historic defeat, the GOP was unable to elect a Speaker of the House on the first ballot. That has not happened since 1923. Indeed, in the ultimate embarrassment to Speaker wannabe Kevin McCarthy, Democrat Hakeem Jeffries won the most votes on the first ballot. Jeffries was only about six votes short of being elected Speaker with a majority vote. Then, to compound the historic humiliation for McCarthy, he lost the vote for Speaker on the second round of voting as well. Then the third round. The top vote-getter continued to be Jeffries. Finally, the House Republicans gave up and adjourned until noon today.

There were also reports of a Republican shouting match between McCarthy’s group and “conservative hardliners” (a misnomer, since that describes essentially the entire House Republican Caucus) before the vote for Speaker took place. In contrast, Democratic Rep. Pete Aguilar, formally nominating Rep. Jeffries as the Democratic House Minority Leader, stated: “Today, madam clerk, House Democrats are united by a speaker who will put people over politics.”

Stunned silence on Fox “News” after January 6 hearing: will they ditch Trump?

Will GOP jettison a damaged Donald Trump?

Day 6 of the hearings yesterday by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol consisted of one bombshell after another. The Committee’s witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, the top aide to former Donald Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, came to the hearing with stunning revelations to share. Among Hutchinson’s revelations:

–When Trump learned in December 2020 that the Department of Justice had not found evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election that would nullify Joe Biden‘s victory (i.e., Trump’s “Big Lie”), Trump became so angry that he threw his porcelain plate full of lunch at the White House dining room wall, leaving ketchup dripping down the wall. On other occasions, an angry Trump either threw dishes or “flipp[ed] the table cloth to let all the contents of the table go onto the floor and likely break or go everywhere.”

–Trump and other top administration officials knew about the risk of violence on January 6 days beforehand, but did nothing to stop it.

–Indeed, on January 6, Trump was upset that the Ellipse in front of the White House, where he was to speak, was not full enough for a flattering photo op. Trump was told the reason was that many of the rioters were armed with AR-15 rifles and other weapons and did not want to go through the metal detectors and have such weapons confiscated, instead choosing to march directly to the Capitol with their weapons. Upon hearing this, Trump wanted to have the metal detectors taken away and to let the armed insurrectionists onto the Ellipse, saying “they’re not here to hurt me.”

–When told that the rioters were chanting “Hang Mike Pence” and that Trump should take action to try to quell the violence (such as telling the protesters to leave the Capitol), Trump refused, saying “Mike deserves it” (for not stopping the Congressional count of Electoral Votes as Trump wished) and that the rioters were “not doing anything wrong.”

–Trump attacked his own Secret Service detail leader and tried to grab the steering wheel of the Presidential limousine when told he would not be taken to the Capitol after speaking on January 6.

When Tuesday’s hearing ended, this was the reaction by the panel at Fox “News”:

Donald Trump impeached for third time

Next stop for Donald Trump?

Those who followed last Tuesday’s fourth hearing held by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol were treated to a stunning play-by-play of Donald Trump‘s criminal behavior in trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election. The Committee impeached Trump’s character in every way.

Most devastating to Trump were the recordings of various telephone calls he, often accompanied by others such as Rudolph Giuliani, made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Arizona Speaker of the House Russell Bowers, pleading with them to entertain false claims of voter fraud, replace electors for Joe Biden with fake electors for Donald Trump, or “find votes” for Trump, all with the intent of overturning Biden’s election victories over Trump in those states. On such calls, Trump also made threats to these officials, such as threats of prosecution, for failing to follow through on Trump’s wishes.

While Raffensperger, Bowers and other state officials stood up to Trump, these calls by Trump were a big mistake, as he failed to insulate himself from criminal liability the way a Mafia don usually does, by letting others do his dirty work. As a result, Donald Trump faces a criminal investigation in Georgia, and members of the January 6 Committee say they have enough evidence to refer a criminal indictment against Trump to the U.S. Department of Justice. At minimum, Trump’s calls to Raffensperger and Bowers were as bad as his July 2019 phone call to Ukraine‘s President Vlodymyr Zelensky, during which Trump demanded that Zelensky investigate Joe Biden’s son Hunter to help Trump in his 2020 election efforts, in return for the U.S. providing weapons to Ukraine so it could defend itself against Russia. That call to Zelensky led to Trump’s first impeachment.

How will Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover affect Democrats?

Arbiter of free speech?

Yesterday, it was reported that Elon Musk will be buying Twitter for approximately $44 billion, and taking the company private. While Musk claims to value “free speech,” Democrats in particular are worried that Musk’s takeover of Twitter will mean the unbanning and unleashing of right wing violent hate speech. First and foremost on the minds of many such Democrats is the potential reinstatement of Donald Trump, who was permanently suspended from Twitter in January 2020 “due to the risk of further incitement of violence” after Trump inspired, and allegedly instigated, the January 6, 2021 right wing terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol. Of course, nothing is permanent when Twitter is about to change hands. And speaking of hands, Elon Musk has tipped his repeatedly by using Republican code words, such as saying that “woke mind virus” and “wokeness” are threats to civilization.

Donald Trump claims that he will continue to stay off of Twitter, in favor of his Truth Social platform. However, Truth Social has been an abject failure, and access to the many millions of Twitter users would be a temptation for any public figure, even one who wasn’t already a congenital liar like Trump.

Superstar Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin discusses January 6 insurrection

U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin

Last night, Democratic U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland’s 8th Congressional District appeared on a monthly national call by the advocacy group American Promise. Raskin, former law professor at American University, wrote the book Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy about the extraordinary events after his 2020 re-election to Congress. On December 31, 2020 Raskin lost his son to suicide. One week later, Raskin witnessed the January 6, 2021 Republican terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol while Congress was trying to complete the Electoral College vote count to certify the election victory of President Joe Biden. Rep. Raskin is now a member of the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol. Raskin was also Lead counsel for Donald Trump‘s second impeachment trial for inciting what Raskin calls the January 6 “coup.”

Here are some highlights from the call with Rep. Raskin:

Clarence and Virginia Thomas defrocked as Washington power couple

Pro-seditionist Virginia Thomas

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is missing. But it gets much weirder than that. Thomas was hospitalized a week ago with “flu-like symptoms.” We didn’t hear about that for several days. Since then, there has been no information forthcoming as to Thomas’ condition, or even whether he is still in the hospital. News reports keep referring to “the Supreme Court” saying nothing, but that really means Chief Justice John Roberts, who is in charge of the Court’s administration. Such a wall against information about the health of a top government official is something we might expect from the Kremlin rather than the United States of America. We do know that Thomas missed three Supreme Court oral arguments this week, and did not even participate remotely by video.

Later this week, however, we learned new information that further feeds speculation about Justice Thomas. The Washington Post and CBS News reported yesterday that Thomas’ wife, Virginia, a prominent right-wing activist, “repeatedly pressed [Trump] White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in a series of urgent text exchanges in the critical weeks after the vote.” According to the Post, “the text messages were among 2,320 that Meadows provided to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.” Virginia Thomas even attended the January 6, 2021 rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol. And when Donald Trump‘s phony 2020 election challenges reached the Supreme Court, it rejected hearing the challenges by a vote of 8-1. The lone dissenter was Clarence Thomas.

The Republicans’ War on America

Republican attack on U.S. Capitol

In his February 2021 annual letter to shareholders, Warren Buffett, considered to be the most successful investor of all time, wrote:

Our unwavering conclusion: Never bet against America.

However, looking back at 2021, the Republican Party certainly failed to heed Mr. Buffett’s advice. The Republicans bet against America when they disbelieved and then tried to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. They bet against America when they incited, supported and funded a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol that was designed to stop the certification of Electoral Votes for then President-elect Joe Biden. They bet against America when they fought, and continue to fight, against sensible COVID protections such as masks, vaccinations, school accommodations, and social distancing. And they bet against America when they side with one of our most dangerous global opponents, Russia, to hurt American democracy.

Surely, the Republicans’ War on America presents some stark campaign fodder for the 2022 elections.