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Will Republicans join the resistance?

Would Republicans do this?

After the 2024 election debacle and the prospect of an anti-American dictatorship, Democrats are trying to figure out ways that they can peacefully resist, indeed survive, the next four years. For example, many Democrats have dumped their Twitter (now X) accounts since the election, as platform owner Elon Musk lurched to the right, helped Donald Trump, and appears to have landed a cozy spot in the next administration. Others are talking about purchasing items that are manufactured overseas, such as appliances, computers, clothing and cars, now to avoid the planned Trump tariffs that everyone knows will raise prices and increase inflation. Plenty of discussions reportedly are taking place among Democrats regarding other steps they can adopt, including boycotts, protests, organizing, communicating better, lobbying their members of Congress, advancing their agenda in blue states, filing lawsuits, and more.

But the really interesting question is going to be whether Republicans join Democrats and independents in acts of resistance against some of Trump’s agenda. While that may sound crazy given the full (sometimes violent) support of the MAGA base, there are many Republicans who may have an interest in keeping things more normal than the radical changes that Trump and his team plan for 2025 and beyond, as reflected in Project 2025. This includes, for example:

–Corporate owners and executives who do not want Trump’s tariffs raising their costs, which they would have to pass on to customers.

–Farm and other business owners who don’t want their cheap labor to be deported.

–Drug company owners and executives who are unhappy about COVID vaccines and other pharmaceutical products being disfavored, or maybe even banned, if Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. becomes Secretary of Health and Human Services.

–Workers, owners and executives in the rapidly growing renewable energy field (solar power, wind power, etc.), who may be less than thrilled about the likelihood of severe cutbacks to government promotion and assistance to those industries, such as that found in President Joe Biden‘s Inflation Reduction Act.

Now, it may be too much to ask that such Republicans would actually join Democrats in some formal or powerful resistance to Trump administration policies. But one can easily see Republican pushback in ways they know how to do, such as lawsuits, lobbying, or other behind-the-scenes efforts. It would not be surprising, therefore, if the most extreme parts of the planned Trump agenda end up in choppy waters, subject at least to delays.

Photo by Vince, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/J1bMmW

The Biden administration should honor Jimmy Carter in its renewable energy efforts

President Jimmy Carter

Last Saturday, The Carter Center released a statement indicating that, after a series of illnesses (including cancer) and hospital stays, 98 year-old former President Jimmy Carter has “decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention.” The announcement has initiated a lot of reflection and remembrances about Carter’s long list of achievements, from saving a Canadian nuclear reactor from meltdown as a young Navy Lieutenant, to getting Israel and Egypt to sign a historic peace agreement as President, to building houses for Habitat For Humanity well into his nineties as a former President.

However, one achievement by President Carter that may get overlooked was his forward-thinking, early dedication to renewable energy. Perhaps most dramatically, Carter had solar panels installed on the White House roof in 1979, well before almost anyone else used such technology. The Carter administration set a goal of delivering 20 percent of U.S. energy from renewable sources by the turn of the century. What happened? In 1986, Ronald Reagan had the White House solar panels taken down and not replaced. And Republicans (along with a few Democrats) have been doing everything they can to stifle renewable energy in favor of fossil fuels ever since. More than 40 years after President Carter set his goals, U.S. renewable energy consumption is only about 12.5 percent of the total (though thankfully it is slowly increasing.)

The “expensive gas is the price of freedom” meme is b.s.

Relevant sign once more

Vladimir Putin‘s Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused oil prices to skyrocket. That has in turn caused gasoline prices at the pump to increase sharply. This was entirely predictable. We are having yet another war over oil. Apparently the world has learned little since both Gulf Wars. Indeed, even Japan’s attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor over 80 years ago was largely over oil.

But some folks are saying that “expensive gas is the price of freedom.” This meme can be seen all over social media. For example:

Joe Biden’s closing Iowa argument: defeat Trump first

Former Vice President Joe Biden

Just before Iowa’s first in the nation Democratic presidential caucus next Tuesday, Joe Biden‘s campaign has released its latest Iowa-targeted ad. Entitled “Imagine,” the ad has Biden himself on camera, asking viewers to “imagine all the progress we can make in the next four years,” including affordable healthcare, renewable energy to tackle climate change, and banning assault weapons to reduce gun violence in our schools. At the end of the ad comes the kicker from Biden:

But first, we need to beat Donald Trump. Then there will be no limit to what we can do.

Democratic vs. Republican Presidents Part 2: Energy Policy

Ivanpah solar energy facility, California

Ivanpah solar energy facility, California

(This is the second installment in a series about differences between Democratic and Republican Presidents in areas where they have direct control. See our Democratic vs. Republican Presidents category for the rest.)

In June 1979, Democratic U.S. President Jimmy Carter had 32 solar panels installed on the roof of the White House, for water heating. By 1986, Republican President Ronald Reagan had the panels removed, and also:

gutted the research and development budgets for renewable energy at the then-fledgling U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and eliminated tax breaks for the deployment of wind turbines and solar technologies—recommitting the nation to reliance on cheap but polluting fossil fuels, often from foreign suppliers.

This see-sawing between Republican and Democratic presidents on energy policy continues today. It’s fair to say that Republican presidents never saw a fossil fuel they didn’t like, while Democratic presidents have made efforts toward conservation and the development and use of clean, renewable energy.

Town hall meeting with Representative Brad Sherman of California

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA)

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA)

Last Tuesday night, Representative Brad Sherman, Democrat from California’s 30th Congressional District north of Los Angeles, held a town hall meeting by telephone. Taking questions from constituents, Sherman explained his positions on a number of hot issues, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), climate change, Net Neutrality and California’s historic drought. Sherman also appeared on the RT network on Tuesday to talk about the TPP. Join us for a recap of these events after the jump: