2020 Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg
There is plenty of debate in Democratic Party circles about Mike Bloomberg, who is one of the party’s newest and few remaining presidential candidates. Some voters feel that Bloomberg’s record is not liberal enough on certain issues. Others feel that Bloomberg’s bypassing of the first several Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, should not be rewarded. And still other voters say that Bloomberg is trying to “buy” the election, having spent nearly $200 million in his first two months of campaigning alone. However, money does not always translate into votes or poll ratings, but Bloomberg has been running third in recent nationwide Democratic primary polls, and is in the lead in the crucial state of Florida. Obviously, Bloomberg is doing something right. And that something seems to be Bloomberg’s ads.
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Trump impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., speaks at trial of Donald Trump in U.S. Senate
Last May, when U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was still reticent to impeach Donald Trump, she explained that Trump was “self-impeaching.” What Pelosi likely meant was that Trump was digging his own political grave, hurting his chances for reelection in 2020. Pelosi’s prediction seems to be coming true now, as the latest polls indicate that the top six Trump challengers for the general election — Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg — all beat Trump in head to head match-ups. This latest good news for Democrats comes as Trump has been impeached (“for life,” as Nancy Pelosi brilliantly said), and is now undergoing a trial for removal in the U.S. Senate.
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Leave a comment! Tags: Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren, House of Representatives, impeachment, Joe Biden, Lev Parnas, Michael Bloomberg, Nancy Pelosi, Pete Buttigieg, Republicans, Senate

Vice-President Joe Biden meets Pope Francis, 2016
If you follow the mainstream media, Fox News or liberal blogs, you might think that all activity on the Democratic side is at the liberal end of the spectrum, with attention placed on new House members like the female minority trio of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilan Omar. You might think such activity and attention also translates directly to the field of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. However, the person who currently tops the Democratic presidential polls is Joe Biden, who is considered a moderate and definitely not a fresh face. Although the media would portray this as a Democratic Party “rift,” it’s more like a disconnect. Folks following the latest media shiny objects might have forgotten, for example, that the last time the Democrats nominated an all-out liberal for president was U.S. Senator George McGovern in 1972, and he went down to one of the greatest defeats in presidential election history.
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Leave a comment! Tags: 2020 Elections, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke, Democratic Party, Democrats, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Michael Bloomberg, Repbublicans, Russia, Sherrod Brown, Supreme Court