Tag Archive: Jenna Ellis

The Republicans’ California contradiction

California, target of Republican Culture War bashing

In the Republicans’ 24/7 Culture War seen and heard on Fox “News’ and other right wing media, one of their oft-repeated narratives is “California is Bad.” Maybe that is because California has long been on the forefront of many types of change, including cultural and social mores, media influence, political advancement, and business and technological innovation, all of which are antithetical to conservatism. Or maybe it’s because California is a solidly blue state containing more than one-fifth of the electoral votes needed to win the presidency, and has consistently given those electoral votes to the Democrats since 1992, as well as having Democrats in all statewide offices in recent years.

Not surprisingly, therefore, we are now seeing the Republicans run their “California Bad” narrative regarding the COVID pandemic. In particular, there are stories citing negative Republican reaction to California’s recent three-week Regional Stay at Home Order from the California Department of Public Health. The Order prohibits gatherings between different households, requires residents to work from home unless conducting “critical” activities (a long list including healthcare, food service, financial services, transportation, etc.), limits retail store capacity to 20 percent, and contains other restrictions. The reason for California’s Stay at Home Order was that, due to the nationwide explosion of Coronavirus cases that has also affected California, hospital ICU bed availability has fallen below the 15 percent threshold previously deemed an acceptable minimum. Some Republicans even call the California COVID order “Gestapo tactics.” Likewise, South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Monday, claiming that South Dakota is doing better than Illinois, New York and New Jersey in terms of COVID cases. We say that California and other (mostly blue) state governments are acting out of necessity because too many people have behaved carelessly on their own, and Donald Trump has been asleep at the switch.