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What is Elizabeth Warren doing?

Newly combative Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren

On Wednesday night, Elizabeth Warren earned rave reviews for her assertive, combative performance at the Democratic Party presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada. Warren spent most of her time going after Mike Bloomberg, and by many accounts, Warren eviscerated Bloomberg. But the question becomes, to what end? Warren was considered to be in the “left lane” of the nomination contest, and that lane is dominated by Bernie Sanders, yet Warren barely attacked Sanders. Likewise, Warren (and to be fair, her competitors onstage) barely laid a glove on Donald Trump, who, after all, is supposed to be the subject of their competition. So, what is Elizabeth Warren doing, and did it help her candidacy?

Trump, you can’t handle the Truman

President Harry Truman at NAS Key West, FL, 1950

Right now, folks inside the White House are high-fiving each other, cracking open beers to celebrate Donald Trump‘s “win” in confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, there’s probably at least one staffer running around, warning that the Kavanaugh confirmation process has galvanized Democratic voters for the upcoming midterm elections which are less than 30 days away. This comes on top of voter enthusiasm levels that already favor Democrats this year. In particular, Democrats have a very good chance of winning back majority control in the U.S. House of Representatives. (The Democrats’ Senate forecast is not as good, largely because this year, many more Democratic than Republican Senate incumbents are up for re-election.)

Thus, some White House advisors likely are telling Trump that, to prepare for a possible Democratic House beginning in January, Trump will have to act like Harry Truman. You may recall that Democratic President Harry S. Truman won re-election in 1948 largely by running against the Republican majority “Do-Nothing Congress.” In Trump’s case, that’s likely to be one-half of a Congress. Therefore, we can call the likely Trump strategy “Half a Harry.” Here’s why that strategy probably won’t work for Donald Trump: