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President Biden handles the debt ceiling brilliantly

President Biden may have just saved the country

With the U.S. House of Representatives having passed a bill on Wednesday night to suspend the nation’s debt ceiling, and the U.S. Senate passing the bill late last night, it is now all but certain that a historic Republican-caused default on the U.S. debt has been averted. President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill at any time, and to address the nation this evening. While there is plenty of credit to go around, President Biden deserves the most praise for the extreme competence, professionalism and political savvy with which he has handled the issue.

Here is Biden’s statement after Wednesday’sj House vote, with emphasis added:

Tonight, the House took a critical step forward to prevent a first-ever default and protect our country’s hard-earned and historic economic recovery. This budget agreement is a bipartisan compromise. Neither side got everything it wanted. That’s the responsibility of governing. I want to thank Speaker McCarthy and his team for negotiating in good faith, as well as Leader Jeffries for his leadership.
This agreement is good news for the American people and the American economy. It protects key priorities and accomplishments from the past two years, including historic investments that are creating good jobs across the country. And, it honors my commitment to safeguard Americans’ health care and protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. It protects critical programs that millions of hardworking families, students, and veterans count on.

Anatomy of a Republican conspiracy theory

The Republicans’ positive plan

Nearly everyone knows that inflation is a problem, and that there are various proposals to solve it. However, some Republicans this year have been spouting a conspiracy theory: that the U.S. Federal Reserve is waiting until after the November 2022 midterm elections to raise interest rates, in order to help President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. While this is just the latest in a long line of right wing conspiracy theories about the Fed, this particularly silly theory can be easily debunked a few steps:

–The current Federal Reserve Board Chairman is Republican Jerome Powell, who was appointed by Donald Trump. This fact alone should be enough to destroy the conspiracy theory. Moreover, of the seven Governors on the Fed’s board, three are Republican, which is normal during a Democratic administration. And in addition to Powell, these other Republicans were also appointed by Donald Trump. Given that the Fed Board’s votes to raise interest rates this year typically have been unanimous, one would have to believe the truly ludicrous theory that these Trump appointees are voting to help Biden and the Democrats.

–As indicated above, the Fed has been raising interest rates all year long. The Federal Funds Benchmark rate, which started at .25 percent early this year is now 3-3.25 percent, enough to sharply raise mortgage, auto loan and other rates. So if the plan was to delay rate increases until after the election, the Fed has failed miserably.

Democrats co-opt Republican meme as “Dark Brandon” goes viral

The attack that turned into a compliment

In an amazing flipping of the script, Democrats have taken back a Republican phrase used to denigrate President Joe Biden.

It all started last October, at the Sparks 300 NASCAR race at Talladega Motor Speedway in Alabama. During winner Brandon Brown‘s post-race interview, some in the crowd began chanting “Fu*k Joe Biden!” The interviewer instead claimed, either unknowingly or deliberately, that the crowd was chanting “Let’s Go Brandon!”

Soon, Republicans started saying “Let’s Go Brandon!” as a euphemism for the epithet against President Biden. Even a number of leading Republican politicians began uttering the phrase, wearing t-shirts and masks displaying the phrase, and referring to the Biden administration as “the Brandon administration.” The “Brandon” saying was going strong as recently as this past weekend, at Donald Trump‘s Saudi-sponsored golf tournament:


However, over the past week or so, Democrats have suddenly taken the “Brandon” epithet back, and have turned it into an instant smash hit for President Biden.

With midterm elections coming up fast, do Democrats finally have a theme?

“Freedom” is just potatoes to Republicans

The 2022 midterm elections are just 124 days away, and the results will likely make or break Joe Biden‘s presidency and the Democratic Party’s agenda. All seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as approximately one-third of U.S. Senate seats, are up for grabs. If the Republicans gain a majority in either house of Congress, at minimum, the Biden/Democratic agenda will be stymied as they won’t be able to pass any meaningful legislation. Additionally, either house under Republican control will bog the government down in senseless hearings involving laptops and other shiny object distractions, in order for the GOP to try to score political points. Moreover, many state and local offices are up for election, which could determine how crucial matters ranging from abortion to elections themselves are handled. Suffice it to say that, if any Democrats claim “this is one of the most important elections of your lifetime,” they are not exaggerating.

Republicans, predictably, are bashing President Biden and Democrats over inflation and gasoline prices as their 2022 election theme. Fair enough, as the party out of power generally attacks on any economic front that it can, even though in this case, Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine, as well as leftover COVID-based supply chain problems, both of which can be laid at the feet of Donald Trump, are largely to blame. Indeed, inflation is a problem worldwide, and the United States is on the lower side of gasoline prices around the world.

Therefore, it would be really helpful if the Democratic Party would express a unifying and galvanizing theme for the upcoming elections, to counter the Republicans and drive all-important voter turnout. This has worked in the past, e.g., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi‘s healthcare message for the 2018 midterms, which led to a Democratic takeover of the U.S. House, catapulting Pelosi to House Speaker.

As it turns out, President Biden and Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell of California, among others, seem to be leading the way with a theme that can succeed for the Democrats in this year’s elections. That theme can be seen in recent tweets from Biden and Rep. Swalwell:

Clarence and Virginia Thomas defrocked as Washington power couple

Pro-seditionist Virginia Thomas

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is missing. But it gets much weirder than that. Thomas was hospitalized a week ago with “flu-like symptoms.” We didn’t hear about that for several days. Since then, there has been no information forthcoming as to Thomas’ condition, or even whether he is still in the hospital. News reports keep referring to “the Supreme Court” saying nothing, but that really means Chief Justice John Roberts, who is in charge of the Court’s administration. Such a wall against information about the health of a top government official is something we might expect from the Kremlin rather than the United States of America. We do know that Thomas missed three Supreme Court oral arguments this week, and did not even participate remotely by video.

Later this week, however, we learned new information that further feeds speculation about Justice Thomas. The Washington Post and CBS News reported yesterday that Thomas’ wife, Virginia, a prominent right-wing activist, “repeatedly pressed [Trump] White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in a series of urgent text exchanges in the critical weeks after the vote.” According to the Post, “the text messages were among 2,320 that Meadows provided to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.” Virginia Thomas even attended the January 6, 2021 rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol. And when Donald Trump‘s phony 2020 election challenges reached the Supreme Court, it rejected hearing the challenges by a vote of 8-1. The lone dissenter was Clarence Thomas.

The “expensive gas is the price of freedom” meme is b.s.

Relevant sign once more

Vladimir Putin‘s Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused oil prices to skyrocket. That has in turn caused gasoline prices at the pump to increase sharply. This was entirely predictable. We are having yet another war over oil. Apparently the world has learned little since both Gulf Wars. Indeed, even Japan’s attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor over 80 years ago was largely over oil.

But some folks are saying that “expensive gas is the price of freedom.” This meme can be seen all over social media. For example:

Joe Biden wants bipartisanship — on his terms

President Biden speaking at the Port of Baltimore, November 2021

In his first State of the Union address on Tuesday night, President Joe Biden talked about national unity, and called for bipartisanship between Democrats and Republicans. Biden has been making such appeals for some time. Indeed, Biden and other leading Democrats routinely call the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which Biden signed into law last November, the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” as Biden did again in his SOTU address, giving credit to Republicans as well as Democrats for its passage.

Given that Republicans generally are so uncooperative that some of them boycotted President Biden’s State of the Union address, and others even heckled Biden, why is Biden calling for bipartisanship? Several reasons come to mind:

Biden White House repeats Pelosi’s “vote no and take the dough” charge against Republicans

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may be the savviest Democratic elected official of the last 10 years or more. Not only has Pelosi gotten many good Democratic bills passed in the House, she also gave Donald Trump a well-deserved toddler time out more than once. But one of the best things Speaker Pelosi has done is to communicate her points in an effective way. A great example is her phrase “vote no and take the dough” which Pelosi uses to describe Republicans who vote against Democratic-sponsored federal relief and funding, but who then brag, try to take credit, and even engage in ceremonies when such funding arrives in their state or district.

Speaker Pelosi’s first use of “vote no and take the dough” seems to be from last March, when, after every U.S. House and Senate Republican voted no on President Joe Biden‘s COVID relief package and the legislation passed with only Democratic votes, many of those same Republicans went and and bragged to their constituents about the benefits they were bringing in when the money was distributed. Likewise, with the recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act beginning to dole out many millions of dollars to local Congressional districts for flood relief and other crucial projects, Speaker Pelosi is keeping a list of House Republicans who voted against the legislation, but who are publicly celebrating the incoming funds. There’s a word for folks who do that, and that word is “hypocrite.”

Today’s Snark: Sarah Palin COVID edition

What Sarah Palin frequently hears

Sometimes, politicians’ words come back to bite them. That seems to be the case this week, as failed Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin‘s defamation trial against The New York Times had to be delayed when Palin tested positive for COVID. Palin had already declared last year that she had been diagnosed with COVID,  but the trial judge in the current case noted that Palin still “is of course unvaccinated.” Indeed, Palin recently stated that she would get the Coronavirus vaccine “over my dead body.” Based on Sarah Palin’s own previous statements (some of them infamous), we can say the following:

1. COVID put its sights on Palin and said, “don’t retreat, reload.”

2. Palin is pallin’ around with COVID.

3. (To Palin) How’s that non-vaccinatiney thing workin’ for ya?

Photo by Ernest, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/l7PycJ

It’s a Biden Boom: share the news

The Biden Boom

One of the most important stories of 2021 is one that does not get told enough: the Biden Economic Boom. Specifically, in less than 11 months, following the Trump Recession in which millions of jobs were lost, President Joe Biden has presided over a historic economic and jobs recovery. This includes:

–Extraordinary economic growth, estimated to be 7.8 percent this year.

–Income, wage and salary growth all way above the figures for 2018 and 2019.

–Unemployment falling from 6.3 percent in January 2021 (Donald Trump‘s last month in office) to just 4.2 percent last month, a historic drop in such a short time. And jobless claims just hit a new 52-year low.

Indeed, The Hill calls this “the fastest economic recovery in history.”

Moreover, the Biden Boom is no accident, but rather, a result of the Biden administration’s phenomenal efforts to vaccinate Americans against COVID; the American Rescue Plan which put money in the pockets of many Americans; and now the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (which may soon be followed by the Build Back Better Act). It turns out that Americans really do like competence in government, or what we call Good Government, and that is part of the Democratic Party’s brand.