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Chuck Schumer shows he’s not up to the Senate Minority Leader job

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

As many people know, last Friday, 10 U.S. Senate Democrats, led by Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, voted with Republicans to end their filibuster of the temporary Republican spending bill (“Continuing Resolution” or “CR”) to fund the federal government for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2025. This action advanced the bill to a Senate vote. Once that happened, the result was preordained: Republicans, with 53 Senators, had more than enough votes to pass the CR by simple majority vote.

As background, Republicans hold the majority in both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House, and have been in the House majority since January 2023. It is their responsibility to come up with the votes to pass spending bills to keep the federal government open. They have repeatedly failed at their job. For example, last fall, the House failed to pass a government spending bill. Typically, the Republicans then come begging to the Democrats to provide the votes to pass such bills, or at least temporary CRs, to avoid a government shutdown. In return for their votes, it is natural for Democrats to ask for and get something in return, such as provisions to maintain certain programs or funding levels that Democrats favor, or the non-inclusion of certain objectionable Republican provisions.

This time, however, Schumer and nine other Democratic Senators caved to the Republicans, getting nothing. In voting to end the filibuster, then voting for the CR itself, they went against every Democratic U.S. House member except one, and against more than two-thirds of their fellow Democratic Senators. According to Common Dreams:

The bill proposes $13 billion in cuts to non-military spending and imposes no constraints on the Trump administration or unelected billionaire Elon Musk as they eviscerate federal agencies and unlawfully withhold spending authorized by Congress.

The significance of Gigi Sohn’s nomination for FCC Commissioner

FCC nominee Gigi Sohn

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee held its third confirmation hearing in 15 months on the nomination of Gigi Sohn for Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The reason why Sohn, who is President Joe Biden‘s choice to fill the fifth FCC Commissioner slot to give the Democrats a 3-2 majority, has not yet been confirmed to her post (or even advanced to a Senate vote) is that apparently all Senate Republicans and a few conservative Senate Democrats oppose her on various grounds:

–First, Senate Republicans would likely oppose any of President Biden’s FCC nominees, in order to maintain this crucial agency at its current gridlocked state of two Democratic and two Republican Commissioners, preventing Biden and the Democrats from doing the business of the American people.

What President Biden and Democrats need to say on the debt ceiling

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer, Jan. 2019

Once again, with a Democratic president in the White House, Republicans are playing a dangerous game of chicken with America’s debt ceiling. The GOP did this under President Barack Obama in 2011 as well. This article from the Brookings Institution lays out some of the possible scary consequences of a U.S. debt default, including:

–A deep recession
–A big drop in the stock market
–Higher interest rates
–Failure to pay Social Security and Medicare recipients
–Failure to pay our U.S. Treasury obligations

The pain of such a failure likely would be felt by every American family, and America’s place as the go-to safe harbor for foreign investment and the go-to currency (and thus, our influence in the world) could be jeopardized. Once again, therefore, Republicans correctly need to be blamed for this crisis of their making. But to get there, and solve the crisis, there is something that President Joe Biden and leading Democrats should be saying:

Elitist Dr. Oz is the new Mitt Romney

Latest attack on Dr. Oz

In the 2012 presidential election, Republican nominee Willard Mitt Romney inadvertently and repeatedly identified himself as Mr. Elitist/Moneybags/1%, and his Democratic opponent, President Barack Obama, quickly took advantage of the theme. The Obama campaign thus followed our Messaging Maxim #4: Feed the Narrative. Indeed, Romney fed this narrative himself, for example, by talking about his dressage horse Rafalca, revealing that his family travels by car with their dog strapped to the roof, and his infamous “WaWa’s” moment, where, getting the name wrong, Romney claimed to buy “hoagies” at gas station convenience stores. Needless to say, President Obama defeated Romney in a landslide.

Now, 10 years later, TV personality Dr. Mehmet Oz is committing many of these same elitist reveals as the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. Here is a handy chart showing how Dr. Oz is the new Mitt Romney:

Democratic labeling finally gets under a Republican’s skin

Mitch McConnell, whose feelings are now hurt

It’s fair to say that Republicans are much better at going on offense against Democrats than vice-versa. Therefore, it’s quite refreshing to see Democrats turning the tables on Republicans for once. This time, it’s Republican U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who has fallen prey to Democratic tarring and feathering efforts. By most accounts, these efforts are working, and McConnell’s feelings are hurt.

The Democratic efforts to frame McConnell as unpatriotic, and even a tool of a foreign power, stem from McConnell’s refusal to act on bills introduced in the Senate to protect the U.S. election system from further Russian interference. Recall that Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections is undisputed by the U.S. intelligence community, as well as by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle with access to the relevant information. Just a few days ago, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, specifically tasked with investigating such Russian wrongdoing, confirmed again that Russia interfered in our 2016 elections and “they’re doing it as we sit here.” As a result, lawmakers have introduced bills to protect our elections and voting system against the type of cyber warfare and hacking that Russia committed against America. But McConnell keeps blocking the bills.

What’s in a Republican’s email inbox?

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, current enemy in Republican email inboxes

If you have a friend or family member of the opposite political party who is politically active, and you trust each other, here’s a fun experiment you can do: ask to take a look at their email inbox. You might be amazed at what you see.


Chances are, the Democratic person in your duo has emails on the following subjects:

–Fighting climate change

–Fighting animal extinction

–Reducing gun violence

Donald Trump‘s latest outrage, including the latest rape allegations against him

–Avoiding war with Iran or other countries

–Fair taxation, or, more specifically, raising taxes on the rich

–The latest lies of Kellyanne Conway

–The appalling conditions of immigrant kids locked in cages under Donald Trump’s family separation policy

–Extending voting rights and civil rights

–Protecting our election system against foreign interference

–Protecting the Affordable Care Act and its pre-existing conditions coverage against attacks by the Trump administration and Republican governors

–Calls for Donald Trump’s impeachment

Nancy Pelosi keeps putting Donald Trump in his place

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

For the past two months, Democratic U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has figured out the secret of dealing with Donald Trump: treat him like the toddler that he is. The results have been remarkable. First, on December 11 of last year, Pelosi cleaned Trump’s clock in a televised Oval Office meeting that also included Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and a silent Vice President Mike Pence. Pelosi called Trump’s threatened government shutdown the “Trump Shutdown,” and even dared Trump to ask for a vote in Congress on his desired border wall. The Trump Shutdown label stuck, and angry voters punished Trump and the Republicans for their failure to keep the federal government open despite controlling all of its branches.

How the Republican cave on the Trump Shutdown and border wall will take shape

Protests against the Trump Shutdown

As the Trump Shutdown of the federal government drags on, and the polls continue to blame Trump and the Republicans, the pressure will eventually become too great on the GOP. They will have to cave to the Democrats (who now have majority control in the House of Representatives), both on Trump’s desired border wall, and the untenable idea that Trump could shut down the federal government because he hasn’t gotten his way on the wall. So now the question is, how will Trump and the Republicans cave without appearing to capitulate to the Democrats, which would cause great anger among the Republican base? The answer is likely to turn on interpretations of the terms “wall,” “fence” and “border security.”

As Trump crashes on border wall, Schumer and Pelosi pick up the pieces

Humpty Dumpty, sitting on his wall

Donald Trump‘s government shutdown and border wall fiasco brings to mind the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Last night, a defeated-looking Trump broke himself on his Wall, giving an Oval Office speech that was flat, uninspired and read off of a script. Trumped also sniffed repeatedly, as he did during his presidential debates against Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump even reportedly told television anchors before the address that the speech, seeking taxpayer funding for his border wall purportedly because of a U.S./Mexico border “crisis,” was going to be “pointless,” and something his advisors had pushed him to do against his will.

Democrats hang Trump Shutdown on Donald Trump

Sign indicating Washington, D.C. national park land and monuments closed due to Trump Shutdown

When you have the facts on your side, and you communicate them in an effective and dynamic way, it’s good policy and good politics. That is the situation the Democrats are in regarding the current U.S. government shutdown. Democrats have correctly labeled it the “Trump Shutdown.”