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Can a Hippie-era song help the Democrats in 2024?

Jefferson Airplane’s 1969 “Volunteers” album

“We Can Be Together” was not Jefferson Airplane‘s most popular song, but it’s one of their most controversial. Released in 1969 as the B-side to the better-known “Volunteers” and included on the album of that name, the song is a hippie call to action in the face of the Vietnam War and other oppressive actions of those in power at the time, including Republican President Richard Nixon. Here are some of the lyrics to “We Can Be Together”:


We are all outlaws in the eyes of America
We are obscene, lawless, hideous, dangerous, dirty, violent
And young

We should be together
Come on all you people standin’ around
Our life’s too fine to let it die
We should be together
All your private property is
Target for your enemy
And your enemy is we
We are forces of chaos and anarchy
Everything they say we are, we are
And we are very proud of ourselves
Up against the wall
Up against the wall, motherfuckers!
Tear down the wall
Tear down the wall

Is this the greatest political ad ever made?

Several days ago, Progress Action Fund, which “produces & runs ads to defeat Republicans in swing districts,” came out swinging in Ohio with one of the most hard-hitting political ads we’ve ever seen. Here‘s the ad on YouTube (if you can’t view it below, the previous link also goes to to ad), entitled “Ohio Republicans in Your Bedroom”:

This 30-second ad features a scantily-clad couple in bed, kissing and embracing. The woman asks the man if he has a condom. He reaches for one in a drawer, and all of a sudden another hand grabs it away. It’s a scary-looking old man in a suit, who says:

Sorry, you can’t use those…. I’m your Republican Congressman. Now that we’re in charge, we’re banning birth control.

The woman then shouts at the Congressman:

This is our decision, not yours. Get out of our bedroom!

What to do when the media ignore President Biden’s accomplishments?

President Joe Biden

This past Monday, President Joe Biden held an event at the White House where he unveiled a more than $42 billion investment in high-speed broadband internet around the country. According to President Biden, this funding comes from both the American Rescue Plan (signed into law in March 2021) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (signed in November 2021).  The President indicated that the legislation passed thus far included “$25 billion for high-speed Internet in places where it was out of reach, for schools and libraries to help students connect to the internet if they couldn’t do it at home.” Now, says President Biden, the new funding will “be distributed to 50 states, Washington, D.C., and territories to deliver high-speed Internet in places where there’s neither service or it’s too slow.” The breakdown of such funding includes, for example, over $3.3 billion dedicated to Texas, over $1.8 billion to California, and more than $1.1 billion for Florida.

The President’s broadband investment plan is designed to “connect every person in America to reliable high-speed Internet by 2030.” However, President Biden stated that:

[I]t’s not enough to have access. You need affordability in addition to access. That’s why we worked with internet service providers to bring down prices for Americans struggling with internet payments. It’s called the Affordable Connectivity Program. It’s helping 19 million families save around $30 a month on their internet bills, and some save a lot more.

In short, this was a very important announcement about something that improves people’s lives and helps individuals, students, businesses and others conduct their activities more efficiently. It’s great for our economy and will create jobs as well.

However, at least according to a number of people (such as Mastodon user Kailee @skykiss@sfba.social), “[n]ot a single news outlet aired President Biden’s event.” If that is the case, the fault lies in several places, including with the news media, the Biden administration, Democratic leaders in Congress and in the states, and elsewhere.

Titanic submersible missing: is it news?

Submersible vehicle of the type that is now missing

By now, many people know that a submersible vehicle that set out from St. John’s, Newfoundland on Sunday with five people aboard to explore the wreckage of the Titanic went missing after one hour and 45 minutes into its Atlantic Ocean dive. A search operation by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Royal Canadian Air Force is underway, with France also sending a ship to assist. This operation is a race against the clock, as the occupants only have about 70 to 96 hours of emergency air supply.  CNN is running a live feed on its website, with updates as they occur. [NOTE: given the potential for fast-changing events here, this blog post is also subject to updates, and therefore may not reflect the latest developments].

While this story is no doubt a human interest story that elicits empathy in many people (though some might scoff at the wealthy privileged occupants who paid $250,000 each for a close-up view of the Titanic), is it really a news story? Does it contain any wider implications for our lives?

Republicans in disarray over Trump indictment? More like a total mess

Chris Christie, causing problems for Donald Trump and the Republicans

Once again, Donald Trump‘s troubles are dominating the political landscape, and the Republican Party. Trump was in federal court in Miami on Tuesday, being arraigned on 37 felony counts involving his theft from the White House, retention and obstruction of justice in hindering the FBI’s retrieval of many boxes of classified documents, most of which were held at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach. If convicted on many or all of the charges, Trump could spend the rest of his life in prison.

None of this helps the Republican Party, which is trying to gear up for the 2024 elections and does not hold the White House or the U.S. Senate majority. Instead of gaining traction with a 2024 theme, elected Republicans are spending their time explaining how much they support Trump, and there is plenty of disagreement among them.

Chuck Todd out at ‘Meet the Press’: will the propaganda end?

Chuck Todd and Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC, 2018

NBC‘s “Meet the Press” host and moderator Chuck Todd announced on air last Sunday that he is leaving the show. Starting in September, Kristen Welker, NBC News’ co-chief White House correspondent, will take Todd’s place. In his statement, Todd said,“We didn’t tolerate propagandists, and this network and program never will.” Sadly, however, that was far from the case.

In fact, “Meet the Press,” during and before Chuck Todd’s time as host, was known as the place where Republicans came to spread their false talking points with the knowledge that they would not be confronted with many refutations or even pointed follow-up questions. For example, when Dick Cheney was Vice President under George W. Bush, Cheney’s communications director, Cathie Martin, regarded “Meet the Press” as the VP’s “best format” to be able to “control [his] message.” Likewise, Cheney’s Chief of Staff, convicted felon  Irve Lewis “Scooter” Libby, and other government officials could call Todd’s predecessor at “Meet the Press,” Tim Russert, and privately make their political points in the comfort that (a) they would be asked no difficult questions during the call, and (b) anything they said over the phone would automatically be considered off, rather than on, the record, a very weak and enabling form of journalism.

President Biden handles the debt ceiling brilliantly

President Biden may have just saved the country

With the U.S. House of Representatives having passed a bill on Wednesday night to suspend the nation’s debt ceiling, and the U.S. Senate passing the bill late last night, it is now all but certain that a historic Republican-caused default on the U.S. debt has been averted. President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill at any time, and to address the nation this evening. While there is plenty of credit to go around, President Biden deserves the most praise for the extreme competence, professionalism and political savvy with which he has handled the issue.

Here is Biden’s statement after Wednesday’sj House vote, with emphasis added:

Tonight, the House took a critical step forward to prevent a first-ever default and protect our country’s hard-earned and historic economic recovery. This budget agreement is a bipartisan compromise. Neither side got everything it wanted. That’s the responsibility of governing. I want to thank Speaker McCarthy and his team for negotiating in good faith, as well as Leader Jeffries for his leadership.
This agreement is good news for the American people and the American economy. It protects key priorities and accomplishments from the past two years, including historic investments that are creating good jobs across the country. And, it honors my commitment to safeguard Americans’ health care and protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. It protects critical programs that millions of hardworking families, students, and veterans count on.

We’re headed for the Republican Default

America is quickly running out of this

The United States government may default on its debt obligations as soon as next Thursday, June 1, unless Congress agrees to legislation raising the debt ceiling, at least temporarily, before then. Today, however, U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is sending House lawmakers home early for a long Memorial Day recess, seemingly uncaring about the debt ceiling crisis. That comes after Republicans, “led” (and we use the term loosely) by Speaker McCarthy, took America hostage by demanding that, in return for even talking about raising the debt ceiling so that we can pay for past spending, the government make huge cuts in veterans’ benefits, environmental protection, student loan forgiveness and other crucial areas in future spending. If a default happens, therefore, it is squarely the fault of Congressional Republicans.

The future spending that Republicans are trying to cut with a chainsaw is known as the budget, and is something that gets debated every year in a separate process. However, Republicans have tried to conflate the debt ceiling with the budget, and are now walking away from paying America’s bills, both literally by walking out of talks last week and now leaving Washington, and figuratively by making such extreme demands that cannot possibly be met. It appears at this point that Republicans want to blow up America’s (and possibly the world’s) economy, our stock market, our job market, our ability to pay Social Security and interest on Treasury bonds, and more. If so, the Republicans’ goal seems to be to create chaos and blame President Joe Biden, in a desperate attempt that they hope might lead to their reelection (see the book The Shock Doctrine for a discussion of this strategy).

Imagine trying to do this in your own life. Try telling American Express or MasterCard that you refuse to pay your credit card bills for past spending until you and your family can come up with a solution for controlling your household’s future spending. Try telling that to your mortgage company, or your utility company, or your phone or cable TV company.

Nevertheless, President Biden has bent over backwards to meet with Republicans and hold negotiations over the debt ceiling, discussing their extreme proposals, even though America’s debt is a solemn obligation over which he should not have to bargain. President Biden has made offers (to the consternation of many Democrats) to bridge the gap with Republicans, including tightening work requirements for individuals receiving federal aid. Thus far, however, the Republicans have shown no real movement in these talks, and indeed, some Republicans appear to be urging McCarthy not to compromise with the Democrats at all.

Make no mistake, therefore: any default by the United States at this time will be a Republican Default, and they must be made to own the political consequences.

Photo by Ervins Strauhmanis, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/rjPYTl

Attention Florida voters!

Florida voters, renew your mail-in voting status

If you’re a Florida voter, and you vote by mail, there’s an action item you need to take: Last January, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill passed by Florida’s Republican majority legislature to make it harder to vote. Specifically, the new law cancels automatic mail-in voting status for those who voted by mail in 2020 or 2022, and requires such voters to contact their county Board of Elections and make a new request for a mail-in ballot for the 2024 elections. The new Florida law also reduces the number of ballot drop boxes and implements stricter voter identification requirements.

The intent behind these voting restrictions, sadly, is to make it harder for many voters, especially likely Democratic voters, to cast their votes. Republicans across the country know that their policies are less popular with the voters, thus they can only win by cheating, stealing elections, and/or suppressing votes. Moreover, Republicans think (maybe erroneously) that in recent elections, they typically hold the lead as to in-person votes on Election Day, but when mail-in votes are counted (often after the polls close), Democrats pull in more votes and often end up winning. This has led to conspiracy theories by Republicans that somehow such elections are “stolen,” which is silly given that, in addition to the complete lack of evidence to support the charge, in Florida and many other states the relevant statewide offices (Governor, Secretary of State, etc.), and therefore the elections themselves, are controlled by Republicans.

Accordingly, if you are a Democratic voter in Florida, please call your county Board of Elections (the contact information should be easy to find online) to make sure your voter registration is up to date and to request mail-in voting status for 2024 if desired. Likewise, remind your Democratic friends and family members in Florida to do so too. Make a plan for the 2024 elections (including presidential primaries and the general election) to make sure your vote is properly cast and received on time. If you are a Republican voter, feel free to ignore all of this as “fake news.”

Photo by Tony Webster, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/kxQ2vq

President Biden vs. Republicans: debt ceiling PR battle forming

Debt ceiling D-Day is June 1

We’ve been following the looming debt ceiling crisis since January. At that time, the U.S. federal debt ceiling, limited by law, was reached, and the government began to take so-called “extraordinary measures” to keep things running as is without going into default. However, the problem has not been solved, and it is rapidly coming to a head. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says that if Congress doesn’t pass a law extending the debt limit by June 1, the “extraordinary measures” will run out and we will begin to go into default. That could cause catastrophic economic results, including a deep recession, a stock market crash, a spike in interest rates, and the government’s inability to send out Social Security checks, or make interest payments on Treasury bonds.

Some people say the Republicans want to blow up the U.S. economy this way. The theory is that the Republicans, who number in the minority, can only take back the White House and full control of Congress via this big gamble of (1) crashing the economy and (2) blaming President Joe Biden and the Democrats for the crash. To that end, Republicans are holding the debt ceiling, which is the bill that must be paid for past spending, hostage to budget demands for massive cuts in future spending for veterans, the environment, renewable energy, student loan forgiveness and other crucial items, even though these are two completely separate legislative processes. Republicans may think they can get away with such hostage-taking in part because the mainstream media notoriously play the “both sides at fault” game, or even worse, may be more inclined falsely to blame President Biden for the current crisis and its possible consequences.