Donald Trump whining about Twitter looks like this
On Thursday, just two days after being fact-checked on Twitter, Donald Trump signed an Executive Order which attempts to regulate free speech on social networks. Specifically, Trump’s Order tries to “clarify” a federal law passed by Congress in 1996, the Communications Decency Act, by taking away free speech protections that the law granted over online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Trump’s Executive Order further provides:
The (Attorney General’s) working group will also monitor or create watch-lists of users based on their interactions with content or other users.
Essentially, Trump, with the assistance of U.S. Attorney General William Barr, wants to compile a Nixon-style “enemies list” of people who write unflattering things about Trump or other Republicans, and then punish them. This idea, which we call the Social Media Enemies Lengthy List (“SMELL”), as part of Trump’s attempt to trample on the legislative power of Congress, doesn’t pass the smell test, either legally, constitutionally or otherwise. In fact, it is a weak, laughable move that will likely blow back in Trump’s face.