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Trump-DeSantis 2024 battle: dream scenario for Democrats?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Donald Trump has already announced that he is running for president in the 2024 elections. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis seems hot on Trump’s heels, scheduling trips to early primary states Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire, and otherwise looking like he will announce his presidential candidacy any day now. The possibility of a messy primary battle between them (and announced candidate Nimrata Randhawa a/k/a Nikki Haley, as well as other likely candidates, such as Mike Pence and Richard Pompeo) has some in the political press salivating over the potential for big ratings and readership. Democrats should also celebrate the possibility of a destructive Republican primary campaign.

As we’ve mentioned many times, the Republican Party is in a state of civil war. Sometimes the war is more hidden, and and other times it spills out into the open. In this case, Trump and DeSantis might have a few ideological differences, as can be expected. However, both Trump and DeSantis specialize in a fascist, dictatorial approach. For example, while Trump was in the White House, his press conferences were full of attacks on the (non-right wing) press. And in the ultimate wannabe dictator move, when Trump lost the 2020 election, he concocted the “Big Lie” that the election was stolen from him, and incited an insurrection against the U.S. Capitol to stop and reverse the counting of electoral votes that would certify Joe Biden as president.

The Biden administration should honor Jimmy Carter in its renewable energy efforts

President Jimmy Carter

Last Saturday, The Carter Center released a statement indicating that, after a series of illnesses (including cancer) and hospital stays, 98 year-old former President Jimmy Carter has “decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention.” The announcement has initiated a lot of reflection and remembrances about Carter’s long list of achievements, from saving a Canadian nuclear reactor from meltdown as a young Navy Lieutenant, to getting Israel and Egypt to sign a historic peace agreement as President, to building houses for Habitat For Humanity well into his nineties as a former President.

However, one achievement by President Carter that may get overlooked was his forward-thinking, early dedication to renewable energy. Perhaps most dramatically, Carter had solar panels installed on the White House roof in 1979, well before almost anyone else used such technology. The Carter administration set a goal of delivering 20 percent of U.S. energy from renewable sources by the turn of the century. What happened? In 1986, Ronald Reagan had the White House solar panels taken down and not replaced. And Republicans (along with a few Democrats) have been doing everything they can to stifle renewable energy in favor of fossil fuels ever since. More than 40 years after President Carter set his goals, U.S. renewable energy consumption is only about 12.5 percent of the total (though thankfully it is slowly increasing.)

The significance of Gigi Sohn’s nomination for FCC Commissioner

FCC nominee Gigi Sohn

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee held its third confirmation hearing in 15 months on the nomination of Gigi Sohn for Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The reason why Sohn, who is President Joe Biden‘s choice to fill the fifth FCC Commissioner slot to give the Democrats a 3-2 majority, has not yet been confirmed to her post (or even advanced to a Senate vote) is that apparently all Senate Republicans and a few conservative Senate Democrats oppose her on various grounds:

–First, Senate Republicans would likely oppose any of President Biden’s FCC nominees, in order to maintain this crucial agency at its current gridlocked state of two Democratic and two Republican Commissioners, preventing Biden and the Democrats from doing the business of the American people.

President Joe Biden neutralizes Republicans at State of the Union

President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden once again rose to the occasion and gave an extremely effective State of the Union speech last night. But what was so successful, and perhaps unexpected, is the way Biden took apart the Republicans. The President did this in a deft, almost surgical way, alternating between touting his impressive accomplishments, pushing his Democratic agenda (something we have advocated here since Day One), and co-opting pro-American ideas that the Republicans falsely try to claim that they promote. Essentially, Biden set a trap for the GOP.

Most reviews and many posts and comments about last night’s State of the Union speech seem to focus on the ugly outbursts from a small number of House Republicans in the audience. That’s just what those attention-seekers want. Instead, a good exercise is to avoid the videos of President Biden’s speech (too late if you already watched it last night, of course), and read the transcript in the second link above. What you get is an impressive picture of patriotism, an appeal to unity, and some good sharp contrasts with the Republicans. Here are some memorable lines and passages from the speech, which paint a clear picture of what President Biden accomplished:

What President Biden and Democrats need to say on the debt ceiling

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer, Jan. 2019

Once again, with a Democratic president in the White House, Republicans are playing a dangerous game of chicken with America’s debt ceiling. The GOP did this under President Barack Obama in 2011 as well. This article from the Brookings Institution lays out some of the possible scary consequences of a U.S. debt default, including:

–A deep recession
–A big drop in the stock market
–Higher interest rates
–Failure to pay Social Security and Medicare recipients
–Failure to pay our U.S. Treasury obligations

The pain of such a failure likely would be felt by every American family, and America’s place as the go-to safe harbor for foreign investment and the go-to currency (and thus, our influence in the world) could be jeopardized. Once again, therefore, Republicans correctly need to be blamed for this crisis of their making. But to get there, and solve the crisis, there is something that President Joe Biden and leading Democrats should be saying:

Don’t fall for the Republican shock and awe

GOP House Speaker battle looked like this

Republicans don’t know how to govern effectively, but they do know how to grab the media spotlight. This was demonstrated during the recent Republican battle for U.S. House Speaker. After narrowly winning the House majority in the 2022 midterm elections, the GOP’s first task in the new year was to elect a Speaker. They failed miserably at this job, requiring a historic 15 votes before finally electing Kevin McCarthy.

But what seemed to get everyone’s attention were the 20 or so Republican House representatives-elect, many of whom are members of the so-called “Freedom Caucus,” who battled against McCarthy’s speakership, and at least one who fought on McCarthy’s side. The members who seemed to be on camera or in front of microphones all the time especially included Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz. Others on hand to a slightly lesser extent were familiar names such as Lauren Boebert and Jim (“Gym”) Jordan, so nicknamed because of his alleged involvement in a sexual abuse scandal involving wrestlers at Ohio State University. We’re not going to mention these names again in this post. Such representatives are known more for being superficial blowhards who say outrageous things rather than for the often dull but crucial work of legislating.

In short order, the GOP House Speaker election became about Republican media stars rather than about policy and substance. Such camera-hogging tactics worked, as McCarthy reportedly had to make numerous concessions to these members in order to secure their votes. What we call the GOP Civil War, also known as Republicans in Disarray, was on full, ugly display. But we already saw how a media celebrity made it into the White House six years ago, and the disastrous results that followed. The last thing we should do is feed that shallow, destructive process again by focusing our full attention on those Republican media hustlers.

Republicans in disarray, off to a rocky start

Republicans may have to hit this button

Republicans took over a narrow majority in the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday, but it was a very rough day for them. First, in a historic defeat, the GOP was unable to elect a Speaker of the House on the first ballot. That has not happened since 1923. Indeed, in the ultimate embarrassment to Speaker wannabe Kevin McCarthy, Democrat Hakeem Jeffries won the most votes on the first ballot. Jeffries was only about six votes short of being elected Speaker with a majority vote. Then, to compound the historic humiliation for McCarthy, he lost the vote for Speaker on the second round of voting as well. Then the third round. The top vote-getter continued to be Jeffries. Finally, the House Republicans gave up and adjourned until noon today.

There were also reports of a Republican shouting match between McCarthy’s group and “conservative hardliners” (a misnomer, since that describes essentially the entire House Republican Caucus) before the vote for Speaker took place. In contrast, Democratic Rep. Pete Aguilar, formally nominating Rep. Jeffries as the Democratic House Minority Leader, stated: “Today, madam clerk, House Democrats are united by a speaker who will put people over politics.”

Republicans are so rude

Rush Limbaugh, Republican media bully

We all know that many Republicans are fine with a violent, illegal insurrection against our government, as well as lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, graft and corruption by GOP leaders and minions. But what many of us have learned over the past few years is that Republicans can also be so damned rude.

In particular, there is a noticeable trend of Republican strangers who hit us with their political beliefs within minutes of meeting us, as well as acquaintances who do the same thing without knowing or asking about our political beliefs and values.

–It’s the Uber driver who, with a captive audience in his car, starts complaining about “Biden” being responsible for “these gas prices.”

–It’s the neighbor who says the problem is “the New York libs” without knowing or caring that the person they are speaking to may indeed be one.

–It’s the a service person who walks into your house, and within five minutes, starts denouncing our “corrupt government” with its “high taxes” and how it’s “disgusting” that “they’re gonna spend another $1.6 trillion on the pandemic.” Yes, all of these are real examples, and the last one just happened here this week.

Let’s mention the Toxic Bird Guy less

Replacing the bird with the Mastodon

This past month, social media platform users and just about everyone else who follows or uses media have witnessed a flurry of movement away from Twitter. So many people are folding their Twitter tents that the activity has been given various monikers, such as #TwitterMigration and #twexit. Messaging Matters is part of this migration, having moved over to the rapidly-growing Mastadon site @MessagingMatters@mstdn.social. The reason for numerous Twitter refugees, of course, is that upon Elon Musk‘s takeover of Twitter, he has systematically wrecked the place, and turned it into a right wing, conspiracy-embracing, Nazi-enabling propaganda network. Musk’s stated intentions of “free speech” have gone out the window, as folks who still post there (such as @joshuatopolsky@mastodon.online) are even reporting that “Twitter is now automatically marking links to mastodon as ‘sensitive’ (aka dangerous) and forcing users who get them to ‘appeal’ the claim.”

Twilight for Twitter, marveling at Mastodon

All eyes on the growing Mastodon platform

The fast-growing Mastodon platform

A month ago, we pondered “What should Democratic Twitter users do now that Elon Musk has taken over?” The three main choices seemed to be: Cut and Run, Stay and Fight, and Wait and See. We chose Wait and See. Well, we have waited and we have seen. What we’ve seen is that, in those few weeks, Musk has wrecked Twitter. Most troublesome is that Musk let banned Nazis and other extremists, including Donald Trump, back on the site. Some of these extremists reportedly have been banned for the past 10 years or so. At the same time, Musk got rid of thousands of Twitter content moderators who monitor hate speech, and is reportedly purging left-leaning accounts. Moreover, Musk himself posts one right wing, intolerant screed after another on his platform, even attacking alarmed advertisers who have paused their support of the site. The result is that, counter to Musk’s promises about a free exchange of ideas, Twitter is becoming another bubble of right wing hate and misinformation, similar to Parler and “Truth” Social. Therefore, Messaging Matters is checking out of Twitter.

So where did we end up? After setting up placeholder accounts at Tribel, Counter and Mastodon, we have joined millions of others on Mastodon. Our page can be found @MessagingMatters@mstdn.social. Thus far, the experience has been completely positive. Mastodon has surpassed eight million users, and is growing at the rate of 1.5 million new users per month. It is free of ads, and, better still, free of Nazis and other hate speech purveyors. The users have been polite, and even juvenile name-calling (of the type Musk keeps engaging in on Twitter) is noticeably absent.