The Purity Unicorn vs. Donald Trump

The White House, whose occupants have always been flawed

With some 23 candidates vying for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, we’re starting to hear that some of them have -gasp- flaws! As is the case in every presidential election, the current crop of candidates are not unicorns, and only an out-of-touch purity voter should expect otherwise. The good news, however, is that Donald Trump has made it more than okay to be a Democratic presidential candidate and be human. Let’s hear about some of these flaws:

Joe Biden makes gaffes. Really? Biden says things that are true and which he really believes but they come out sounding awkward? How does that compare to Donald Trump saying about women, he likes to “grab them by the pussy”?

Amy Klobuchar is tough on her staff. Really? Let’s see how Donald Trump treats his staff. First, he fires them, or causes them to quit, with an astonishing, record-setting frequency. Second, he berates them, even Cabinet-level officials, often in front of others. Third, Trump (allegedly) sexually harasses his employees and others who work with him.

Elizabeth Warren said she has Native American ancestry. Aside from the fact that this isn’t even a flaw since it’s true, we can also say that Warren’s Native American genealogy is more fact-based than Donald Trump’s father being born in America and Germany at the same time, or Trump’s ancestry being Swedish not German, or even Trump’s name being “Trump.”

While no Democrat would ever want to sink to Donald Trump’s level, let’s be thankful that Trump has set the bar so low that the Democrats, human flaws and all, look way better.

Photo by B Romero, used under Creative Commons license.

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