Coward Trump
Donald Trump has announced that he will not participate in the first Republican presidential primary debate for the 2024 election, which is scheduled for tomorrow night on Fox “News.” Instead, Trump reportedly has been interviewed by Tucker Carlson, who was booted from Fox and now releases content on Elon Musk‘s X platform (formerly Twitter). The Trump-Carlson interview is set to air at the same time as the Republican debate. Furthermore, Trump’s statement indicated that he “will therefore not be doing the debates!” That sounds like Donald Trump won’t participate in any Republican presidential primary debate this year or next year.
Trump’s chickening out from the GOP debate is a great opportunity to attack him as a coward. Chris Christie, who is one of the only Republican presidential candidates courageous enough to take on Trump forcefully and directly, is doing just that. While recently sharing an article containing Trump’s debate pullout announcement, Christie wrote:
Surprise, surprise… the guy who is out on bail from four jurisdictions and can’t defend his reprehensible conduct, is running scared and hiding from the debate stage.
Trump—certified loser, verified coward.
Really, the Democrats could not do better than to quote Christie and repeat his vicious attacks on Donald Trump.
Indeed, Republican voters love a good authoritarian fascist dictator, but such a figure must be perceived as strong to be credible or effective. Attacking “Coward Trump” as being fearful and a “chicken” undercuts this image. Perhaps such cowardice could be Trump’s Achilles heel.
Photo by thetortmaster, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/LhtUYI