Home » Elon Musk’s Twitter acquisition is the latest attempt to stop progress

Elon Musk’s Twitter acquisition is the latest attempt to stop progress

Where Twitter may be headed

Sometimes it takes a history professor to put things in perspective. In a mind-blowing Twitter thread last weekend, Professor Walter D. Greason of Macalester College in St. Paul, MN did just that. Specifically, Greason described the conservatives’ efforts to destroy liberal/progressive advances that have been boosted by the internet and social media, which he calls “convergence.” Gleason names Elon Musk‘s takeover of Twitter as the latest attempt to stop such progress, i.e., Republican “counter-convergence.” After the jump is Greason’s fascinating Twitter thread. If you have Twitter, you can click on “read the full conversation on Twitter” at the bottom of his first tweet. If not, we have included key tweets from the thread:

Greason starts by describing “convergence”:

He then talks about “counter-convergence” by conservatives, and why they engage in it:

He mentions how this counter-convergence grew after Joe Biden’s election victory in 2020:

And now, according to Greason, Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter is designed at least in part to “break” the liberal social progress that has been achieved through convergence:

Not coincidentally, here’s what Elon Musk tweeted yesterday, after Greason published his thread:

It certainly looks to us like Elon Musk acquired Twitter (just before the 2022 midterm elections) as part of the broader conservative attempt to push the Republican agenda and stifle Democratic election efforts. It doesn’t seem to be at all about business, profits, “free speech” or even-handedness as Musk claims.

Photo by Cambodia4kids.org Beth Kanter, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/2TVXLi

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