Home » Watch the Republicans’ language vs. President Biden’s

Watch the Republicans’ language vs. President Biden’s

The Republicans’ 2021 political strategy

The Republicans’ Culture War is in high gear. That means Republicans attacking their favorite bogeymen. Here are some of the things Republicans have been saying lately, instead of helping to govern our country:

“Antifa” (to the extent that’s even a real thing) and Black Lives Matter were responsible for the January 6, 2021 domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capital, even though the FBI keeps rounding up one right wing extremist after another for the attack, many of whom were caught red-handed on video. Not surprisingly, Republicans are now attacking the FBI.

–Companies and others are destroying the country by acting “woke,” a substitute for the older “politically incorrect,” and meant to be a disparagement of perceived liberalism.

–Similarly, according to Republicans, liberals (especially in the media) are guilty of “cancel culture,” which seems to mean doing things like suspending Donald Trump from Twitter and Facebook for inciting violence in the January 6 attacks. Apparently, however, Republicans have no problem canceling things and people they don’t like, such as stripping Congresswoman Liz Cheney of her House leadership post for criticizing Trump, defunding ACORN and Planned Parenthood, or, as Trump recently suggested, banning Twitter and Facebook altogether.

“Critical Race Theory” (again, sounds scary but not really a thing) is apparently responsible for everything wrong in America. According to the Republicans, the problem isn’t racism, it’s that Americans keep talking about racism. And when U.S. Army General Mark Milley, who is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and has a stellar four-decade military record, refused to take the Critical Race Theory bait from a Republican Congressman at a recent hearing, Tucker Carlson of Fox News called Milley a “pig.”

So Republican language is essentially the language of hate, resentment and division.

Now compare what Republicans are saying to the language that President Joe Biden is using. Biden talks about “America,” “jobs” (and “American Jobs,” which is the very name of his infrastructure plan). Biden’s COVID relief plan, likewise, was called the “American Rescue Plan,” and it passed with all the funding that Biden had proposed, which is quite a remarkable feat.

Similarly, on Twitter, President Biden (who has a “Happy Pride Month” banner at the top of his profile) says things like:

Of course, each side’s language likely appeals to their respective constituencies. But before calling this battle a draw, think about which words and phrases would most appeal to the large number of voters who consider themselves independent. One would have to think that President Biden’s language is more patriotic, more positive, more inclusive and more popular with them. This is a president who both knows what he is doing, and what he is talking about.

Photo by Wesley Fryer, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/X6rwrp

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