Home » DCCC releases 2019 Thanksgiving dinner talking points

DCCC releases 2019 Thanksgiving dinner talking points

Thanksgiving dinner table, before the political food fight

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has released a humorous, menu-style set of talking points for Democrats to respond to that Republican blowhard who seems to spout off at everyone’s Thanksgiving dinner. The talking points, which can be found in this .pdf, are entitled “Know Your Stuffing.” Each subject has a cute Thanksgiving dinner theme, complete with food graphics, and is designed as a response to a Republican rant, since they always seem to be the ones who bring up these political subjects at the holiday table. For example, there is “Aunt Mary’s ‘There Was No Quid-Pie-Quo,'” described as “a crust so flaky, it falls apart the moment you present it with evidence.” Responses to this talking point are listed under “What to Bring,” and include:

  1. Multiple members of the Trump administration have testified before Congress there was a quid pro quo agreement with Ukraine.
  2. Trump himself—in a memo he released—admitted he withheld aid from Ukraine until they dug up dirt on his political opponents.

Both of these responses even include footnotes to reputable sources for this information.

Likewise, there’s “Cousin Mitch’s Do-Nothing Stuffing,” with the Republican blowhard talking point, “The Democratic majority hasn’t done anything.” The responses supplied (“What to Bring”) are:

  1. The House Democratic Majority has passed over 250 bills working for the American people!
  2. They’re fighting the climate crisis, working to prevent gun violence, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, expanding voting rights, and holding this president accountable.
  3. Every bill they pass gets held up by “Grim Reaper” Mitch McConnell and his Republican Senate.

Again, each point is supported by footnoted sources.

There are more such Thanksgiving issues and talking points (such as Climate Change and DACA) at the DCCC link provided above. While bombarding Republican bullies with facts, logic, and reason typically will just bounce off their false frames, this set of talking points written in a context of good, mocking humor may just turn you into a happy Thanksgiving warrior!

Photo by ilovebutter, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/uNDsNb

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