Tag Archive: Fox News

Watch the Republicans’ language vs. President Biden’s

The Republicans’ 2021 political strategy

The Republicans’ Culture War is in high gear. That means Republicans attacking their favorite bogeymen. Here are some of the things Republicans have been saying lately, instead of helping to govern our country:

“Antifa” (to the extent that’s even a real thing) and Black Lives Matter were responsible for the January 6, 2021 domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capital, even though the FBI keeps rounding up one right wing extremist after another for the attack, many of whom were caught red-handed on video. Not surprisingly, Republicans are now attacking the FBI.

–Companies and others are destroying the country by acting “woke,” a substitute for the older “politically incorrect,” and meant to be a disparagement of perceived liberalism.

–Similarly, according to Republicans, liberals (especially in the media) are guilty of “cancel culture,” which seems to mean doing things like suspending Donald Trump from Twitter and Facebook for inciting violence in the January 6 attacks. Apparently, however, Republicans have no problem canceling things and people they don’t like, such as stripping Congresswoman Liz Cheney of her House leadership post for criticizing Trump, defunding ACORN and Planned Parenthood, or, as Trump recently suggested, banning Twitter and Facebook altogether.

Push back on right wing narratives with your own

COVID precautions are one area of competing political narratives

Republicans, with the help of Fox “News” and the Trump administration, are very good at creating and repeating political narratives. Here are a few that you will hear, in one form or another, over and over again:

–Government Bad/Corporations Good

–California and New York Bad

–Unions Bad (except Police unions)

–Scary Brown People (subsets include Blacks = “Thugs,” Hispanics = “Illegals,” Muslims = “Terrorists”)

–Oil Good/Clean Energy Bad

–“You’re on your own”

Moreover, Republicans love to be the aggressors and bring up these narratives all the time, whether at the dinner table, the supermarket aisle or elsewhere. So what to do when Republicans voice their Fox right wing narratives? Well, Republicans shouldn’t have all the fun. We should respond to their right wing narratives with our own narratives.

Time for the media to withdraw from covering Trump tantrums

The time for Donald Trump to hurt the world is quickly coming to an end

Donald Trump has been a media figure since the 1970s. Those who grew up in the New York metropolitan area during that time, or the 1980s, may remember widespread tabloid coverage of Trump and his marriages and business deals, for example, in the New York Post and the Daily News. Trump is a master media manipulator and seems to thrive on such attention.

Unfortunately, however, the mainstream media’s fascination with covering Donald Trump in a superficial, tabloid fashion have continued through all four years of Trump in the White House. Even worse, now that Trump has decisively lost the presidential election to Joe Biden, the media insist on continuing to cover Trump’s every utterance, tweet, golf round and tantrum. It’s enough already. Trump is a lame duck with just 51 days left in office, his power is waning every minute, and it’s time for the media to do what most Americans are already doing: move on from Donald Trump.

Thanksgiving political discussion Democratic translator

Hopefully your Thanksgiving dinner won’t be like this

An ongoing theme here at Messaging Matters is that a good number of Democrats and Republicans either want to, or have to, continue having relationships with each other. This includes, for example, friends and loved ones. However, perhaps nowhere do political differences become more heated, awkward or unpleasant than at the Thanksgiving table. If crazy Uncle Charlie starts spouting his Fox “News” talking points, and you simply respond with talking points from your favorite liberal website, no one is going to achieve understanding or get along. Moreover, this Thanksgiving, with Joe Biden‘s defeat of Donald Trump in the presidential election fresh on everyone’s mind, threatens to be one of the most contentious of them all. Accordingly, rather than simply passing along argumentative talking points, we have created a Democratic Translator that will let Democrats state their positions in a non-confrontational, plausibly deniable way, so that not just fruits but relationships are preserved for Thanksgiving. For example:

Republicans who concede that Joe Biden won the election

Joe and Jill Biden, soon to be taking the inauguration walk as President and First Lady

Last week, we mentioned four life hacks to help Joe Biden into the White House. Two of the four suggestions were to mention world leaders and business leaders, respectively, who had recognized the results of our presidential election. This brings to mind another, growing list: Republicans who have admitted the reality, or at least the apparent reality, that Biden has defeated Donald Trump. Of course, it’s pathetic that we have to play such mind tricks just to confer legitimacy on Biden’s decisive election victory over Trump. However, as someone once said, “it is what it is.” Therefore, if any Republicans complain to you that the election was somehow “rigged,” the results were somehow “fake,” or that Trump really won, perhaps the best thing to do is merely to show them this growing list:

Today’s Snark: Republican Waahmbulance edition

Republican waahmbulance on its way to rescue Donald Trump

This week, Donald Trump did poorly in his ABC News town hall, so he was “ambushed” according to Fox “News.” Then Joe Biden did well in his CNN town hall, so he must have been given the questions and answers in advance, according to former Fox “News” host Bill O’Reilly. That sound you hear is the GOP waahmbulance on its way to rescue poor helpless Donald Trump.

Photo by Ashley Buttle, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/K5M9K0

A great way to reframe a Republican argument

Black Lives Matter protest, Columbus, Ohio, June 2020

As we know, Donald Trump, Fox News and many Republicans right now are trying to distract from the COVID disaster by complaining about Black Lives Matter. Specifically, these Republicans are framing the Black Lives Matter protests as the big problem in America, rather than the police killing of black civilians that led to such protests. That is why it was noteworthy when a discussion with Republicans a few days ago contained a wonderful moment of Democratic reframing of a major Republican  argument.

Today’s Snark: Goya Foods edition

Reaction to Goya Foods CEO praise of Donald Trump

Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue showed up at the White House Rose Garden on Thursday and heaped political praise on Donald Trump, saying things like:

We are all truly blessed … to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder ….

After calls to boycott Goya Foods products went viral, Unanue doubled down in a Fox News interview on Friday, saying that the negative reaction to his remarks was “suppression of speech.” Here’s our response:



Photo by Jade Jackson, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/ocxoIr

Why Trump and the Republicans will lose the election over Coronavirus

Some of Donald Trump’s responses to COVID

As Donald Trump currently trails Joe Biden in many presidential polls and is in danger of losing reelection, one of the great ironies is that Trump’s failed response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19 or COVID) could have been largely averted. In particular, if Trump had acted more like a Democrat, he might be looking at a more likely election win in November, rather than a very good chance of defeat. But Trump and the Republicans are incapable, philosophically and otherwise, of taking the necessary steps to keep us safe and help themselves, our public health and the economy to win the election. Here’s how they failed:

Florida’s Coronavirus response is completely irrational

Satirical Coronavirus poster that may come true in Florida

As we indicated several days ago, there is a dangerous split right now between Democratic and Republican officials in their response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Nowhere is this split more apparent than in Florida.

The state of Florida is near the top in both highest median age and highest percentage of seniors (age 65 and over) of any state. As seniors, they are more likely to support Republicans. And not coincidentally, many of these seniors live in a state of fear. This includes of death, fear of running out of money before death, built-in tribal fear of minorities (if they are older white folks), fear of change, fear of technology, etc. Republicans play to these fears (recall, for example, Trump’s initial presidential campaign announcement focusing on rapist, drug-dealing immigrants from Mexico; as well as the “Caravan.”) Likewise, Republican propaganda network Fox News plays up these fear narratives, including Scary Brown People (Blacks = “Thugs,” Latinx = “Illegals,” Muslims = “Terrorists”), as well as that other fear, “Big Bad Government.”