Tag Archive: Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden’s closing Iowa argument: defeat Trump first

Former Vice President Joe Biden

Just before Iowa’s first in the nation Democratic presidential caucus next Tuesday, Joe Biden‘s campaign has released its latest Iowa-targeted ad. Entitled “Imagine,” the ad has Biden himself on camera, asking viewers to “imagine all the progress we can make in the next four years,” including affordable healthcare, renewable energy to tackle climate change, and banning assault weapons to reduce gun violence in our schools. At the end of the ad comes the kicker from Biden:

But first, we need to beat Donald Trump. Then there will be no limit to what we can do.

What happens after Trump’s impeachment?

Trump impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., speaks at trial of Donald Trump in U.S. Senate

Last May, when U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was still reticent to impeach Donald Trump, she explained that Trump was “self-impeaching.” What Pelosi likely meant was that Trump was digging his own political grave, hurting his chances for reelection in 2020. Pelosi’s prediction seems to be coming true now, as the latest polls indicate that the top six Trump challengers for the general election — Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigiegall beat Trump in head to head match-ups. This latest good news for Democrats comes as Trump has been impeached (“for life,” as Nancy Pelosi brilliantly said), and is now undergoing a trial for removal in the U.S. Senate.

The anti-Trump ad that Joe Biden should run immediately

Former Vice President Joe Biden

Joe Biden has run essentially a general election campaign against Donald Trump from the day Biden joined the 2020 presidential race. For example, while the Democratic primaries don’t even begin until February 2020 and the candidates are slugging it out with each other, Biden aims most of his rhetoric, and his ads, directly at Trump or the general electorate itself. Biden’s first big ad showed world leaders laughing at, ridiculing, and even ignoring Trump on the world stage. Biden’s latest ad, released just yesterday, warns that, if America is to continue its progress towards justice for all, Donald Trump must not be reelected.

Biden’s general election campaign in the primaries may make good sense, given that Biden is the only Democratic candidate this year to have served eight years as Vice President (to beloved Democratic President Barack Obama), as well as having been a long-serving leader in the U.S. Senate, including being Chairman of the Foreign Relations and Judiciary Committees. And such gamble apparently has paid off, as Biden has led the Democratic presidential primary polls, on the national level and in most states, virtually every day since joining the contest.

Therefore, Biden’s next ad should continue his general election theme, and attack Donald Trump on something on which Trump is extremely vulnerable: his physical and mental health, as evidenced by his speech slurring and other behavior.

Kamala Harris quits presidential race: what went wrong?

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris

Yesterday, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris abandoned her efforts to win the Democratic Party presidential nomination for 2020. In an email to supporters, Harris wrote:

I’m not a billionaire. I can’t fund my own campaign. And as the campaign has gone on, it’s become harder and harder to raise the money we need to compete.

On paper at least, the highly accomplished Harris should have been one of the favorites to win the Democratic nomination, and, for a time, she was in the top tier, polling at 15 percent. So what went wrong?

Democrats go on offense at CNN “Climate Crisis” town hall

Earth on fire

CNN aired a seven-hour marathon town hall on the “Climate Crisis” yesterday evening. The event featured the top 10 presidential candidates for the Democratic Party nomination, chosen using the Democratic Party’s criteria for its presidential debates.

The first CNN host of the evening, Wolf Blitzer, mentioned Hurricane Dorian in the first sixty seconds of the town hall, and he and the subsequent hosts returned to current reports about the hurricane during the program. Most questions came from the audience, both those in the room and others via satellite from various locations. Many of the questioners were environmental activists, students, or academics, and most such questions were very specific and pointed.

Here are some of the highlights of what each candidate, in order of appearance, had to say:

What’s in a Republican’s email inbox?

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, current enemy in Republican email inboxes

If you have a friend or family member of the opposite political party who is politically active, and you trust each other, here’s a fun experiment you can do: ask to take a look at their email inbox. You might be amazed at what you see.


Chances are, the Democratic person in your duo has emails on the following subjects:

–Fighting climate change

–Fighting animal extinction

–Reducing gun violence

Donald Trump‘s latest outrage, including the latest rape allegations against him

–Avoiding war with Iran or other countries

–Fair taxation, or, more specifically, raising taxes on the rich

–The latest lies of Kellyanne Conway

–The appalling conditions of immigrant kids locked in cages under Donald Trump’s family separation policy

–Extending voting rights and civil rights

–Protecting our election system against foreign interference

–Protecting the Affordable Care Act and its pre-existing conditions coverage against attacks by the Trump administration and Republican governors

–Calls for Donald Trump’s impeachment

Beto O’Rourke does it differently

Beto O’Rourke on the campaign trail in Iowa

Since approximately 23 candidates are competing for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination, each candidate must try to stand out from the pack. In that respect, former Texas Congressman Robert “Beto” O’Rourke is making a name for himself by doing things differently. First, O’Rourke rolled out his campaign on a local level, with a flurry of town hall appearances in places like Pacific Junction and Davenport, Iowa, rather than making a national splash with televised rallies in big cities and associated online fundraising.

Only lately, O’Rourke has made the shift to more national appearances, including a CNN town hall and an appearance on ABC‘s The View.” As O’Rourke stated on “The View” regarding his local campaigning thus far,

I learned so much by being with them, by listening to them, by incorporating their stories into how I’m campaigning. So, with months to go before the first caucus or the first primary, listening to people, showing up everywhere. With 20 candidates, these elections might be decided in these various states by a thousand, a hundred, a dozen votes, so every single one of these conversations counts. I’m going to continue to show up everywhere to ensure that we have them.

Trump impeachment process begins to take shape

Sign from July 2, 2017 Impeachment March

One of the biggest political events to take place last week was U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren‘s announcement that, after reading the Mueller Report, she believes that the U.S. House “should initiate impeachment proceedings” against Donald Trump. Here is Warren’s tweet containing this announcement, which Warren reiterated during subsequent tweets and television interviews:

Tax returns become an issue for 2020 presidential candidates

Tax returns, now a presidential campaign issue

House Democrats yesterday formally requested Donald Trump‘s 2013 through 2018 personal tax returns, as well as the tax returns of eight Trump business entities, from the Internal Revenue Service. At the same time, an increasing number of Democratic presidential candidates have already released multiple prior years of tax returns, but U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders remains the outlier.

The reason for requesting presidential candidates’ tax returns comes down to one word: transparency. According to McClatchy DC, “[t]he returns provide voters a look into the personal finances and charitable contributions of candidates and gives insight into whether he or she has any potential conflicts of interest.” Paraphrasing Joseph Thorndike, author and Director of the Tax History Project at Tax Analysts, McClatchy indicates that, “[w]ithout the full returns, voters can’t see such items as sources of income, which tax breaks they claimed, what they might have deducted as business expenses or how much they gave to charity.” Accordingly, while releasing tax returns is not required by law, it has become a tradition for presidential candidates to do so since Richard Nixon in the early 1970s.

Could Elizabeth Warren win the Democratic presidential nomination?

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Democratic U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren appeared at a CNN town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi this past Monday night, moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper. By numerous accounts, Warren “nailed” her performance. Warren exhibited traits shared by Democrats who have won the presidency: intelligence, empathy, passion and energy.

The question is whether Warren can gain momentum in these early stages of the 2020 Democratic presidential process, to catapult her into the lead, and eventually, to win the Party’s nomination. Currently, Warren sits in about fifth place in the polls (if Joe Biden, who has yet to enter the race, is included). Warren’s principal competition is thought to be Bernie Sanders, as both of them are considered to occupy the left lane of the Democratic field. Sanders, who ran for the Democratic nomination in 2016 and lost to Hillary Clinton, benefits from name recognition. However, Sanders suffers from some heavy baggage, including his 2016 negative attacks on Clinton and the Democratic Party, questionable votes on guns and Russia, a “woman problem,” and old age. Indeed, Warren appeared to distinguish herself from Sanders when she suggested at the CNN town hall that all candidates for federal office release their tax returns. This comes as Sanders, having been asked since at least 2016 to release multiple prior years of tax returns as other presidential candidates do, still has not done so. In short, Warren can be seen as a safe liberal alternative if Sanders stumbles or gets dragged down by his baggage.

At the same time, Warren may be carving out her own, more moderate lane next to Sanders. This could help her in a general election. In this regard, Warren notably gave tempered yet clear answers on several issues at Monday’s town hall:

On reparations for slavery, Warren was asked by an audience member specifically about what “public apology” should be made to African-Americans. Warren responded:

Warren: I believe it’s time to start the national, full-blown conversation about reparations. And that means I support the bill in the House to appoint a Congressional panel of experts, of people who are studying this, to talk about different ways we may be able to do it, and to make a report back to Congress, so that we can, as a nation, do what’s right and begin to heal.

Tapper: Senator, if I could just follow up on Georgia’s question, you said you’re open to a conversation about reparations to the descendants of slaves, and also to native Americans, you also said. Might that include direct payments, direct financial transfer of money?

Warren: So, there are a lot of ways to think about how reparations should be formed, and I noticed, Georgia’s question actually started with just the frame of an apology, right? With the frame of a national recognition. We have a lot of experts around the country, a lot of activists, who have a whole lot of different approaches to it. And I think the best we can do right now, I love the idea of this Congressional commission. Let’s bring people together, and let’s open that conversation as Americans. Let’s see what ideas people want to put on the table, and let’s talk them through. Because I gotta tell you, ignoring the problem is not working.

Likewise, Warren was asked about universal healthcare coverage. She responded:

Healthcare is a basic human right…. Right now, Democrats are trying to figure out how to expand healthcare coverage, at the lowest possible cost so everybody is covered. Republicans right this minute are out there trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, they’ve got a lawsuit pending down in Texas where they’re trying to roll it back, what they couldn’t do with a vote, they’re trying to do with the courts. HHS [Department of Health and Human Services] every day is doing what they can to undermine the Affordable Care Act…. The first thing we need to be talking about is defend the Affordable Care Act…. Then part two …. For example, let’s bring down the cost of prescription drugs all across the country…. And then when we talk about Medicare For All, there are a lot of different pathways. What we’re all looking for is the lowest cost way to make sure everybody gets covered.

Finally, on the question of whether Warren and some other Democratic candidates are “Socialists,” Warren also portrayed herself as more moderate:

I believe in markets, and I believe in the value that we get out of markets. But, it’s got to be markets with rules. You know, a market without rules is theft. But a market with rules, a market with a cop on the beat to enforce those rules, that’s how it is that small businesses can get a chance to start and grow…. That’s how it is that we get new products.

The trick for presidential candidates in both parties is that, while most of the country on average might be considered moderate, the primary process comes first, and it energizes activists who are more to the left on the Democratic side, and more to the right on the Republican side. It’s possible that Warren as well as other 2020 Democratic presidential candidates could successfully straddle this line. Warren’s responses at the CNN town hall were attention-getting both for not sounding too “Socialist,” and also for sounding like she’s open to great ideas, as a winning Democratic candidate should be.

Photo by ElizabethForMA, used under Creative Commons license. https://is.gd/uKNPIy