Today’s Snark: Trump bitten by his own words edition

Before being fired, Trump may have infected many

There were news reports this week that, last year, Donald Trump attended the first presidential debate against Joe Biden, as well as rallies, meetings with Gold Star families, and the infamous maskless White House COVID super-spreader party for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, all after learning that he had COVID. While these reports are shocking, and reveal behavior that seems criminally negligent at best, we also can’t help being reminded of a couple of expressions that Trump uses repeatedly to trash his opponents.

In particular, note that first Trump and then Biden (through Trump at the debate) were both exposed to the Coronavirus, but only Trump got infected. And then note that after four years of poor approval ratings, including the historic milestone of never even reaching 50 percent, Trump lost the election to Biden by over seven million popular votes and a very healthy electoral vote margin. So, to use Donald Trump’s own words, it turns out that Trump was both “weak” and “low-rated.”

Photo by Ron Cogswell, used under Creative Commons license.

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