Donald Trump and his taxes, a current focus of the Clinton campaign
Hillary Clinton has been practically ignoring Bernie Sanders for a month. She hasn’t been attacking Sanders over his scorched-earth efforts to tear down the Democratic Party from within. Clinton hasn’t even been calling on Sanders to release multiple prior years of tax returns, which any serious presidential candidate must do. Instead, because the delegate math now makes her the unstoppable 2016 Democratic Party presidential nominee, Clinton has turned her attention to the general election and her likely opponent, Donald Trump. Yesterday, I decided to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead and attempt to just move on from the battles with Bernie to focus on Trump & the general election. I have to say, it’s very refreshing.
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Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, both imperfect.
I’m astounded by the number of purity tests and “the perfect is the enemy of the good” sentiments coming from some Democratic Party primary voters this year. Do these voters insist on perfection from anyone else in their lives — their significant others, friends, bosses, co-workers or family members? Do they receive it? Has anyone in their lives never disappointed them? So why are voters expecting perfection and purity from their presidential candidates? I have no doubt that President Hillary Clinton will disappoint me sometimes, and that’s fine with me.
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U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and other Democratic Senators at U.S. Supreme Court
Republicans must feel like they’ve dodged a bullet. We have written for years about the GOP Civil War, which threatened to spill out into the open and tear the party apart during the Republican National Convention this summer. That could still happen, but meanwhile, Republican leaders recognized Donald Trump as the presumptive nominee within hours of his Indiana primary win on May 3. Instead, it is now the Democratic Party that is threatened with civil war, as Bernie Sanders essentially runs a third party campaign against the Democratic Party, from inside the Democratic Party.
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Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump 2016
There’s a not-so-secret weapon looming in the likely 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Want to guess what it is? Here are a few hints: it’s very powerful, it exists in large numbers, and one of the presidential candidates is one. What’s the secret weapon?
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Donald Trump speaking in Manchester, NH last February
After Donald Trump‘s big win and Hillary Clinton‘s near tie in the Indiana primaries last Tuesday, given the resulting delegate math, attention immediately turned to the likely upcoming general election between Trump and Clinton. While the criticisms that can be leveled against Trump are many, voters might become distracted if too many such charges come flying across the airwaves. In order to keep it simple, we have identified three areas in which Trump is most vulnerable to criticism and political attack in the general election:
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Democratic U.S. Senators Barbara Boxer, Edward Markey and others demonstrate for a full Supreme Court
Once again, the 2016 presidential primaries have been an emotional roller-coaster. The Democratic Party, while not engaged in open civil war like the Republicans, has certainly felt the sting. Nasty things have been said, hurt feelings have been felt. Therefore, while Hillary Clinton has all but won the Democratic Party nomination and Bernie Sanders has all but conceded, and the endgame is near, no one can expect Democratic Party unity overnight. Instead, Democratic voters should now focus and fight together on the issues that unite them against the Republicans. Here’s a partial list of such issues:
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