Home » The Neocons’ Iraq War is like that awful movie ‘Battlefield Earth’

The Neocons’ Iraq War is like that awful movie ‘Battlefield Earth’

With Neocons hitting the airwaves to promote another Iraq War, you might be reminded of the movie “Battlefield Earth” (2000):

“Battlefield Earth” is widely regarded as one of the worst movies of all time.
The Iraq War brought to you by George W. Bush and the Neocons is widely regarded as one of the biggest mistakes in U.S. history.

“Battlefield Earth” is about humanity’s struggle for freedom.
Neocons claimed that the Iraq War was about the Iraqi people’s struggle for freedom, and even named their war “Operation Iraqi Freedom.”

In “Battlefield Earth,” the occupying alien invader says he was “trained to conquer galaxies.”
For the Iraq War, the alien invaders wanted “a semi-permanent mission” in Saudi Arabia, “a near-permanent land force presence in Kuwait,” “more permanent basing arrangements, and continued ‘no-fly’ and ‘no-drive’ zone enforcement” by U.S. armed forces.

In “Battlefield Earth,” the invaders say that the invaded peoples “only put up a measly nine-minute fight.”
In Iraq, the Neocons said the U.S war would be just “a two-month war.”

“Battlefield Earth” got dismal reviews. The Iraq War also got dismal reviews, as did President Bush after the Iraq War dragged on for years.

In “Battlefield Earth,” the aliens invade Earth in order to “mine out this miserable little planet.”
In Iraq, some warmongers have admitted that America sent young men and women into combat over oil.

In the “Battlefield Earth” video clip above, John Travolta’s character is told he must stay on Earth for more tours of service, and he has a sickened, negative reaction.
That’s the same reaction most Americans have to the Neocons’ idea of involving America in another Iraq War.

In “Battlefield Earth,” it is a Senator who sentences John Travolta’s character to that endless service on Earth.
Likewise, America has a Senator who wishes to sentence Americans to endless war in Iraq

In short, it’s safe to say that few people would like to see a rerun of either “Battlefield Earth” or the Neocons’ Iraq War.


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