Good intentions are not enough. The facts are not enough. To win in politics, you must go on offense. That’s why going on offense is Messaging Maxim #1. And that’s why the Twitter hashtag #GoodbyeGOP, which has been trending in recent days, is so good.
Note the framing of #GoodbyeGOP: Twitter users are not only saying goodbye to the Republican Party (or saying that the Republican Party is rapidly becoming obsolete), they also can write a reason why this is so. And it’s a way for Democrats and progressives to share valuable and factual information, as opposed to the other side’s fact-free zone. Several effective recent #GoodbyeGOP tweets are:
@purplehullpea ‘I’m going to be real honest with you, the Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote….’ Ken Emanuelson said.
#GoodbyeGOP@Ajblivits Republicans prepare to re-defund non-existent ACORN. Again.
#GoodbyeGOPhttp://n360.to/138OUbG@bannerite GOP governor cites mothers working for downfall of U.S. education system http://www.examiner.com/article/gop-governor-cites-mothers-working-for-downfall-of-u-s-education-system … War on Women.
#GoodbyeGOP@CitizenWonk Ten Brutal Findings from the Republican Party’s Report on Young Voters http://rol.st/17lIxaV via
So get out there, join the Twitter fun, and help say #GoodbyeGOP!