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Guest Post: The Super Right

Messaging Matters is pleased to present this guest post from Kenny Pick, creator and host of the “Turn Up the Night with Kenny Pick” political talk show. Kenny writes here about the conservatives’ erroneous treatment of the Second Amendment:


Like many Americans, I’ve been thinking long and hard about the epidemic of mass shootings in our country – Desperately trying to grasp the reasoning behind the hyper reaction of 2nd Amendment purists regarding gun control. It seems that the NRA, Conservatives, some gun owners and manufacturers believe the 2nd Amendment guarantees what I’ve started referring to as a ’Super Right.’ A right that supersedes all others out of a selfish belief that there should be no limitations on the ownership of any type of weapon. It strikes me that every reasonable American should be comfortable finding a happy medium restricting what arms we all have the right to bear; Somewhere between a pocket knife and a doomsday device.
Normally, the 1st Amendment is all the rage. But “normal” seems to be slipping away as more and more slaughtering of innocents occur like the recent events in Aurora, CO and Newtown, CT. “This isn’t the time to talk about gun control!” and “Don’t politicize the issue!” become the demands of those that want to quell the discussion that could jeopardize their ‘Super Right.’ I know the numbering of our Constitution may be arbitrary, but I like to think 1st comes first. I understand that there should be considerations for grieving families, but when the conversation is stifled our 24 hour news cycle will sweep it away like the tide. I truly hope that after the tragedy in Sandy Hook, we can ebb the tide and continue a measured and  rational dialogue on gun control.
How is it that the devotees of 2nd Amendment have come to believe in their ‘Super Right?’
Let’s start with who comprises their power base. When tasked to defend unfettered gun ownership in the media, you may see a trend; Older white men that love guns. They provide thin, tired arguments for how more guns keep us all safe regardless of the body count of the latest mass murder. They provide magic statistics that only they can see! They lament the levels of inner city shootings and the state of mental health care as if they‘re truly concerned! They compare their lust for killing machines to the suffering of slaves!
They’re also masters of  passing the buck at every opportunity – “It’s movies, TV, video games & music! Not the guns!!!”  So much for that pesky 1st Amendment. Curse you ’Super Right!’
Perhaps the 2nd Amendment is the last vestige to save their diminished voice in shaping our nation. If the bulk of society has deemed white male dominance antiquated, they are left clutching at tiny, brittle straws. I believe the once dominant force has seen their mortality in American history. The only thing for them to do is dream of revolution. Dream of civil war. Dream of ‘Good Old Days’ that were only good for them.
They used their 1st Amendment Rights for decades and people stopped listening. They foolishly think the 2nd Amendment will make them relevant again.

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