Home » On Democratic Messaging, Great Minds Think Alike

On Democratic Messaging, Great Minds Think Alike

We’ve been writing and speaking about the Democratic Party’s need for better messaging efforts for a good two years, and have been focusing on it for much longer than that. We wrote “A Messaging Manifesto For Democrats” in 2010. We’ve repeatedly cited UC Berkeley linguistics professor George Lakoff and his book “Don’t Think of an Elephant!” for its all-important discussion of issue framing. Sometimes it’s been a lonely effort.

Not any more.

A few days ago, a post by blogger Jill Klausen entitled “5 Words and Phrases Democrats Should Never Say Again” appeared on the influential Crooks and Liars political blog. The post talked about the need for sharp, effective Democratic messaging, and even mentioned George Lakoff. Now others are getting in on the act too.

We welcome this growing effort by Democrats (and progressives who may not call themselves Democrats) to recognize the need to compete with the Republican Party’s effective message machine. Democrats perhaps are at a disadvantage in this area, because we think for ourselves, have lots of good ideas, and don’t fall in line easily. Nevertheless, these efforts at improving political communication by and for Democrats are critical, and if we join our efforts together, they will become even more powerful. And we’re going to join together. Stay tuned.

3 Responses to On Democratic Messaging, Great Minds Think Alike
  1. Nils Davis
    March 21, 2012 | 2:04 pm

    Matt – thanks for the link to http://dontthinkofanelephant.com. Regarding “Democrats perhaps are at a disadvantage in this area”, there are three key challenges:

    1. We have a positive message, versus the right’s negative message. “Bad is stronger than good,” so that makes it harder.
    2. We’re way way behind.
    3. We have to learn to speak using Haidt’s five/six dimensions of moral decision making to be effective when talking to those not of our liberal/progressive tribe. (See Haidt’s great TED talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/jonathan_haidt_on_the_moral_mind.html)

    Our big advantages? Progress is going to happen, so we’re on the correct side of history. And our policies/rhetoric align with our actions (at least a lot better than the right’s do).


  2. Messaging Matters
    March 21, 2012 | 5:24 pm

    Thanks Nils & Jill, I agree wholeheartedly, and am delighted to see this growing list of “great minds” who think alike!

  3. Jill
    March 21, 2012 | 3:04 pm

    Thank you so much for bringing my post to the attention of your readers, Matt. I’m looking very forward to our collaboration on this issue and getting it more into the mainstream.

    And I’m so glad to have Nils’ involvement, as well. Nils, you have a great deal of insight and knowledge in this area and I can’t wait to share ideas with you to further this project.

    Other people to watch for:

    Tom Ruebel — @gtruebel

    Retired radiologist with a passion for progressive language in politics and reform of health care finance. ~ Camano Island, WA

    Heather M — @RaptorH

    Media writer at enviro organization ~ Boston, MA (works in DC)

    Susan C. Strong ‏— @SusanCStrong

    Executive Director and Founder of The Metaphor Project, and author of the new book, MOVE OUR MESSAGE: HOW TO GET AMERICA’S EAR.